For those that don’t know, I work in logistics. I’m sure for anyone that has made a recent trip to the grocery store you can understand the challenges. I mean it’s hard to even find peanut butter and cream cheese some days. It’s been a very stressful and extremely difficult two years. But we started 2022 with an agreement that we would control what we could control. Our slogan has been “Making Adjustments & Not Excuses.” We knew the only way to progress together as a team was to have a positive attitude. As I’ve studied Jeremiah the realization of how important our attitudes are as leaders stuck with me.…

  • Jesus Defines Servant Leadership

    Reading the story of Jesus’ death can be overwhelming and beautiful at the same time. It literally brings tears to my eyes and I am so grateful for Him. He obeyed God’s will perfectly and endured the mocking, beating, and nailing to the CROSS. He suffered and died so greatly for us. He gave up His rights in order to obey His Father for all of us!!  Thank you Jesus. Let’s reflect on how Jesus served while on this earth. Remember, Jesus has ALL the power and ALL the authority in heaven and on earth & He still put other people first! Our worldly work world sees power as a…

  • Go & Be Reconciled

    “So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:23-24‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Commentary from the NLT Study Bible: Broken relationships hinder our relationship with God. If we have a problem or grievance with a friend, we should resolve the problem as soon as possible. We are hypocrites if we claim to love God while we hate others. Our attitudes toward others reflect our relationship with God. I pray that you will read God’s word,…


    If you can be honest, how many times have you quietly patted yourself on the back for letting someone know you forgave them? I had to recently give myself a reality check as well. Humility is hard sometimes. We must be careful to not let pride surpass the beauty of forgiveness. I’ve been wrestling with God this year as He continued to prompt me to go to someone and ask for their forgiveness. I just didn’t have the words. I kept asking why doesn’t this other person say something; I’m hurting too!? So I continued putting it off. But the whisper kept returning day after day. I’ve been reading a…

  • Building a friendship with God…

    Happy Monday!! Stop and ask yourself this question…How are you starting off your day?  Coffee? Working out? The News? Quiet time? A thought…I have a close relationship with Heather Callahan and because of regular communication (daily), this develops and grows our friendship. If I did not communicate with Heather, I doubt our friendship would have blossomed. Because of social media, I may “know” about Heather but without “true” communication daily we would not have intimacy.  Because of this intimacy and commitment – we do life together and are close friends! I tell this story because friendships must have communication and prayer is communication with God!!  Prayer is what keeps us…


    Jeremiah poses a surprising question to God just moments after being appointed as a “prophet to the nations.” ““O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!”” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:6 Fill in the word ‘young’ with anything that has crossed your mind before.  What is in your blank? I’m too busy. I’m not perfect. I am not as smart as others. I’m a new Christian. I’m worried about what others will say. And this is how God responds: “And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:8‬ Why does God first warn…

  • Wednesday Encouragement

    A little hump day encouragement as we head to work today!  We must remember that God is in control and never changes  – yesterday, today, or tomorrow.  This consistency should give us such hope!! We live in a world invaded by sin – suffering WILL come to the good and bad alike.  Keep an attitude of love and kindness as you go into work today and especially if you are facing any problems. Also keep Romans 8:28 alive in your mind and heart if you are in any type of turmoil at work… “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love…


    This past week our family enjoyed an amazing vacation at our favorite North Carolina beach. On Thursday as I was out for my morning walk, I was thinking about how thankful I was for this time together after the journey we’ve been on. As I was walking the song Gratitude popped up on my playlist. I don’t remember when I added it but as I listened the lyrics stopped me in my tracks. I repeated the song and kept soaking it in. “Every song must end, but you never do. So I throw up my hands And praise you again and again Oh come my soul Don’t you get shy…

  • Fear of the Lord

    Many times in life when we fear something we run from it or hide. But not with our God, we need to run towards Him and stop hiding!! Fear of the Lord will give us a foundation of knowledge. Think about that!  Fear is not running or hiding, fear of the Lord is to honor and respect God and to be in AWE of his majesty and power! (Read that again)! If you are searching for knowledge and wisdom, then have fear of our Lord!  Really respect and honor Him, love Him, obey His Word & have strong faith!  Make God number #1 in your life!! Faith in our God…

  • Suffering Develops…Endurance, Character & Hope!!

    Read Romans 5 today, it will fill you up! Faith in our Jesus Christ brings joy!  We all must believe this even if you are having a “bad” week, a “bad” month or “bad” year….We as Christian’s can enjoy the PEACE that comes from being made right with God even when we face our daily “bad” problems. These problems that cause suffering will allow us to grow in our faith, to become more like Christ. So to anyone discouraged out there by your “bad” problem, remember to rejoice!  We are children of God!! God loves us no matter what! “Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place…