• Brotherly (and Sisterly) Affection

    I first became a mother at 4 years old. Awake now?! That’s when my sister was born and I took over. My Mom said she was always reminding me that I was the sister and NOT the Mother.  As we grew older my love for her grew. At night when she was scared she would make her way to my bed and we’d hold each other through the night. This was my first reality of true love. Of course I loved my parents, but this kind of love was phileo love. Well before I learned what this word meant I loved someone as myself. There is nothing I would not…

  • Reputation…

    Each of us is forging a reputation & developing personal qualities by which we will be remembered – by man and by God. Many people (even Christians) claim they can live their life how they want, it is their own business, no one can tell them what to do when it comes to their attitude and personal choices.  They will follow the law of the land (many loosely follow these laws… unfortunately) and will do what they want to their own bodies, in their relationships, and in their own homes. Their main goal is to stay out of jail, make money, try to be a good person, and pay their…

  • Will I See My Enemy in Heaven?

    The word enemy is a strong word. It brings with it a heaviness, a feeling of danger, fear, and even war. The dictionary defines an enemy as a thing that harms or weakens something else or a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you.  Bless those who curse you.  Pray for those that hurt you.”  Luke 6:27 There are four very specific commands that we are given when we encounter someone who opposes us or harms us: love them, do good for them, bless them, and…

  • Love Always Wins…

    We are to obey the royal law as found in scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” James 2:8 The royal law was first given by Jesus himself in John 15:12, “Love each other in the same way that I have loved you.” What is going on in your mind after reading these scriptures…Do you love your neighbor, each and every neighbor as Jesus loves you? Favoritism is real here on earth. James warns us against prejudice in Chapter 2, toward the rich or the poor. When we discriminate against people (of any stature) “it shows that your judgments are guided by evil motives.” James 2:4 God has no favorites, we…

  • Seek Advice for Success

    Life is full of big decisions; especially when it comes to the workplace. Should I go for that promotion? Should I tackle this big project? Should I take a different career path? Of course, being a Rooted Woman we take these decisions to God and we seek His guidance first. But the Bible also tells us there is wisdom in seeking advice; especially of those with strong faith. “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.” Proverbs 15:22. In the workplace it’s especially important to build a network of advisers and to seek counsel from those who you know will support you with Biblical truths. And from…

  • Rooted Leader

    “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2 Our inner circle matters!  Who we associate with and hang out with, both professionally and personally, will shape who we become as a person. When we listen to counsel that encourages us to go against God’s way and then do it…Yikes! This does not please God. Who we take counsel from will shape us on our journey, so listen wisely. As…

  • You Are What You Eat

    Have you ever said to yourself, “Well I held my tongue and I didn’t say what I was thinking out loud!” And maybe even felt kind of proud about it?  I know I can raise my hand. But as I read Psalm 19:14 I started thinking about the discipline of holding my tongue a little differently. “May these words of my mouth AND this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalms‬ ‭19:14‬). The word “and” here is significant. Words flow from the heart. Jesus emphasized this to the Pharisees when he said, “You brood of vipers, how can you who are…

  • Temptation

    In the book of Genesis there is the story of Adam and Eve, we see sin for the first time in the Bible. Life is perfect in the garden for these two love birds until the shrewdest wild animal of all – the serpent – asks Eve a question, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”  Satan was asking Eve a question he already knew the answer to!  This is manipulation at its best. Eve answers, “of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden. It is only the fruit from the tree in the middle…