• Your Elevator Speech

    I recently participated in a panel discussion for International Women’s Month. One of my colleagues talked about knowing “your elevator speech.” Well that got me thinking. How can I apply this to our Mission Trip in the workplace? Can I easily say in 5 minutes or less what Christ has done for me? If someone asked me who Jesus is what would I say? Am I ready at any time to share my testimony? Pray for God to put people in your path – in His perfect timing. He will bring the people to you. But be ready. Know how you will answer the question. Proverbs 16:3 – “Commit to…

  • On A Mission

    Have you ever thought about this? Each day that you step foot in your place of employment you are going where no missionary can go. What an amazing opportunity God has given you. But this can be overwhelming! You may be on fire for God but not sure how you apply this to your “mission field.” Start with morning prayer. Give your work day to God. Read your Bible. Build relationships. Talk to people. I love John Maxwell’s principle of “walk slowly through the halls.” See everyone in God’s image. He created each and every person you work with. Be kind and show love through all circumstances. Obey God’s commands…

  • God has a PURPOSE for your Life!

    In the wilderness God guides Moses and the Israelites where to go by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire in the sky by night. This visible presence of God was directly over the Tabernacle. If the cloud or fire moved, the Israelite moved. If the clouds stayed still, they stayed still. The Bible is clear in Numbers 9 that the cloud and fire moved in accordance with God’s will and the Israelites obeyed. This was visible evidence of Him moving and directing His people. Direction from God is not just for your next big move in life, it is for everyday! We are physically somewhere…

  • Seek & Follow

    Wherever you are today, God is there! He is our Guider and our Protector! Even if you don’t think you’re in the right job, relationship, or town you’re living in – know that God is aware of everything! He will guide you, but you must follow. He knows what’s best for you! Stay Rooted#jesus#GodsWill#seekandfollow#letgoofcontrol#trust

  • Legacy

    Yesterday I participated in a farewell message for a senior leader who is retiring in April. His resume of accomplishments is a mile long. As I prepared for the message, I started thinking about the impression he made on me early in my career and the legacy he leaves behind for me personally. I want to share these memories in hopes that you take time today to think about your legacy. I know I will be! Speak to people on a personal level. Know their interests and what they do in their spare time. Make your office welcoming and not intimidating. Create an inspiring vision and people will follow. Support…

  • East & West

    If you got in your car to drive East would you ever get there? “He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west..“ Psalm 103:10-12 East and west have no beginning nor end. They never meet. When God forgives our sins they can no longer be found. The past is as far as east is from west. Live free. Your record is clean!…

  • Modern Day Audible

    Moses was a seeker of God. He would actually hear out loud the voice of God, can you imagine!? What an incredible moment yet trembling moment for our friend Moses. When we talk with friends we hear them and start to understand their character and ways. When we seek God and He becomes part of our everyday life, we start to talk to Him (through prayer) – but does He answer you back and do you really know His ways? His Words are not audible to us (at least not to me)! On my journey at first, my conversations seemed one sided, I would talk through prayer to Him and…

  • Don’t Turn Away, Turn To

    Happy Monday! As we head out to work this morning and dig into our week, do it with Christ in mind. If you are doubting anything in your life, know that this is normal and you are not alone. As Christian women rooted in our faith, we need to note the positive changes that have taken place in our lives – this helps crush doubt! Know that transformation is in the works! We tend to be hard on ourselves when doubt starts to creep in, but… STOP, take action and turn to the Source. We encourage you to turn to Jesus, ask Him for wisdom and understanding about the doubt…

  • I Prayed for this Child

    Hannah’s Prayer of Praise is written in 1 Samuel 2. She was unable to have a child but she prayed specifically and sincerely for a son. She prayed with confidence that God hears and answers prayer. In her prayers she promised God that if he gave her a son she would “give him back.” While visiting Shiloh with her husband to worship God, Eli blessed her saying, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” Not too long after their visit to Shiloh, Hannah becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son. She named him Samuel which means “because I asked…

  • Everything She Has…

    As we recognize a woman each day this week; perhaps the boldest woman for God is actually one with no name. We read about her in Mark and Luke as Jesus was walking through the Temple in Jerusalem. He sat down near a collection box and observed the crowds dropping in their coins. As the crowd passes by on their busy way a widow steps up to the collection box. She quietly drops in two small coins. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part…