Meet Lisa

Lisa & Family

I was born 48 years ago in the small town of Jackson in the great state of Michigan.  By God’s wonderful grace, I am a Christian wife, mother of two beautiful grown children and career working woman.  

I married my high school sweetheart Todd Williams and we had children pretty early in our marriage.  We just celebrated 28 years of marriage and are also celebrating being empty nesters!  My daughter Jessi is 26 years old and my son Jake is 22 years old.

Working and being a mom is not the easiest thing, but it is doable.  Most of my work life I was not following Jesus and was not rooted in my faith.  I was baptized as a baby in the Catholic Church and followed this religion growing up, but as soon as I was married we did not continue to turn toward God or grow in our faith.  We turned away from God – but thank goodness we have a patient God.

I climbed the corporate ladder in sales and management through distribution. Working for the Janitorial Supply Distribution industry for the last 22 years, I have become an expert on cleaning procedures, how to run teams and programs within distribution and most important – how to sell toilet paper! LOL! Not the most glamorous job, but I worked hard at learning and grew fast in my knowledge.  Chasing the dream of making a certain amount of money was all I could think of during my 30’s, saying all the time, “When I turn 40, I will hit this money goal.”

Well, 40 came and went, I did not hit my money goal but I was close.  During the last 22 years, I moved from state to state with my family to grow my career.  I took different jobs, moved my children, worked crazy insane hours to reach my title and money goal.  I put work above everything else, including my children, husband and especially above God.

Then in 2013 while working in Florida, I received a phone call from the owner of a previous company I worked at asking me to come back to North Carolina.  He offered me to be a “Director” and to make the money I had been dreaming of and thinking I was worth–so we packed up everything again and moved back to NC.  I chased the dream, I got everything I ever wanted and had become a somebody in work society!  My pride and ego was bigger than Texas.  My hard work, discipline and dedication to my career really got me to the top!  But, oddly enough, I was still not happy or satisfied.  

My husband was drawn to a workout facility and most of the people there went to a church called Pursuit. He asked me if I wanted to go to church, I was hesitant… we had not been going consistently to church for over 25 years.  But… I was desperate to find happiness. My son had just gone into the Marine Corp, my daughter finished college and was moving on, my marriage was rocky at best and I was depressed within my career – so I thought, what could I lose by going to church with my husband!

Well…..God rocked my world. My life changed on that day in November of 2015.  Pastor Jordan is used by God in a powerful way to teach His living word at Pursuit Church.  I was saved the summer of 2016 and I can now say I am a woman following Christ wholeheartedly, I have a relationship with our Savior, in the Word daily and have a prayer life – love comes first!

My friend Heather and I have decided to start a blog for working women who are interested in being rooted in their faith while at work, at home and on Sundays!  Heather and I met through Pursuit Church, we have bonded to become sisters in Christ. This ministry was put on our hearts from God and we are listening to Him and moving forward.  This blog will allow both of us to share with you our experiences as working women rooted in faith. Heather is also newly recommitted to her walk with Christ. We are both leaders and teachers within our workplaces and have learned how to become better leaders through reading the bible – this is the best training tool ever invented, PERIOD!

If you are asking yourself, can I have a career and be a Christian – fully walking with Christ?  Absolutely!!! Yes you can!

There will be many topics we will discuss and share that are rooted on having a relationship with God. My friends this is the only way to make it through this secular world and really find peace and joy!

Please join us weekly as we share different topics and stories as we stay Working Women Rooted in Faith!

Thank you,

Lisa Williams