• Matthew Week 1:

    A week goes by so fast. It’s already Thursday again! That is why God tells us life is a vapor. It never slows down. It only speeds up, which is why we are so passionate about getting working women in their Bibles. Last Thursday we posted a 28 Day Challenge for reading the book of Matthew. Our prayer is that each of you will make it a priority to get in His word and really start your journey of learning who God is and who you are to Him. This past week we’ve learned a lot: The birth of Jesus was epic and the world took notice. The Jews didn’t…

  • Useful or Usuable?

    Are you USABLE by God? It is our strengths and abilities that make us useful, but our weaknesses that make us usable. I heard this the other day, and oh how true this is, when it comes to God and stories in the Bible! As leaders, our strengths and abilities will allow us to do our jobs with success but our failures and shortcomings remind us…we need Jesus in control of our lives! Does Jesus control your life? Whatever we accomplish on our own is only a hint of what God could do through our lives – but we have to give up control. King Saul in the Bible tried…

  • Creating Change Against All Odds

    If you are a leader that creates change – be ready for criticism! Leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. When we lead with influence and change is at the forefront of our vision, we will not make everyone involved happy! Criticism will always be directed toward those who lead because they are out in front. They are visible and directing the teams, vision is being casted! It is super easy for someone to go against an idea or say they can do it better when they are not responsible for leading change. These are noticed as our “negative nancies” and they do exist on every team! (Sorry if…

  • What Is Your Plan?

    Often we hide or run from important responsibilities because we are afraid of failure, afraid of what others may think, or perhaps unsure about how to proceed. Preparation is key to success. When we prepare now we can step up to our future responsibilities with confidence. At times we can get all wrapped up in our feelings of inadequacy – I am guilty of this sometimes! Feelings will hold you back from doing what needs to be done and allowing growth in your life – in any area! You may be uncomfortable when you step out and grow, if so… this is normal! If you are comfortable, you are not…

  • Sweater Weather

    Don’t you just love these cool mornings? It’s a sign that fall is right around the corner and sweaters are starting to come out of the closet. As well as all things pumpkin spice. Our mornings are typically set in a routine that most likely includes a snooze button, coffee, and getting dressed (hopefully ). In the same way we dress and prepare for our day Paul writes in Colossians 3:12-14 the virtues we need to clothe ourselves in each and every day. “Since God chose you to be holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” The world needs Christians leaders…

  • 28 DAYS

    Earlier this week I was listening to a business related podcast emphasizing the importance of staying in the know as it relates to your field: market trends, new technology, customer demands, etc. The speaker was encouraging his listeners to keep educating themselves to support their personal and professional growth. Well, that got me thinking. Lisa Zagers Williams and I recently led a small group discussion on “Who do you work for?” – which just happens to be the first chapter of Allison Pelphrey’s book, “God in the Workplace.” And while I certainly won’t argue that part of our responsibility in the working world is growing our knowledge and staying on…

  • We Want, We Want, We Want

    This word is said by so many of us each and every day. We want this or we want that, we want to be liked and we want to be accepted. We want, we want, we want! The Israelites wanted a King and they demanded that Samuel get them one. Be careful what you want and ask for, God showed us in the book of Samuel He will give it to you! The Israelites were tired of having Judges, Samuel was old, and they did not like his sons. They wanted something new and better! They told Samuel, “give us a King to judge us like all the other nations.”…

  • No Rival, No Equal

    Idols… Studying through the Old Testament (OT) there are several country’s close to Israel that worshiped other gods, they would bow to these gods through idols made out of wood, stone, and gold. When reading this it is hard to imagine worshiping a calf carved out of wood or a bird made of gold. Shockingly, many Israelites would get caught up in the “ways of the world” and would gather these images and worship to them. They would elevate these images and make them more important than our God. For us today, our idols are much more subtle than in the OT but just as dangerous. An idol for us…

  • Fresh and New Each Day

    Happy Monday! It is a new week and we often look at Monday’s as a new and fresh start – Yay!! As you move into your day, please do not forget to keep your relationship with Jesus new and fresh also! Just putting on your cross necklace and saying a quick prayer as you run out the door is not how we build a deep meaningful relationship with our Lord! Think about it this way, if you wanted to build a relationship with a new friend, you would have to do more than carry a picture around of them and communicate shortly whenever you remember to. You would have to…

  • Build Bridges Not Walls

    Romans 10:12-13 “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile – the same Lord is Lord of ALL and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus.” Colossians 3:11 “In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free, Christ is ALL that matters, and he lives in ALL of us. When we accept Jesus Christ as…