• A Promised Rest

    Be watchful of the enemy and don’t give in to fear. God has promised that He will conquer our enemies when they rise against us. We can have peace and rest but only through our savior Jesus Christ! #stayrooted #apromisedrest

  • Ladder Holding

    “Who are you coaching and developing to replace you?” In 2017 my then Director asked me this question. Often it is our human nature to only think of self promotion instead of the promotion of others. However, it is important that we continually look for and invest time in future leaders. As Jesus walked the earth he was surrounded by disciples; his trusted inner circle. Especially when it came to Peter, James, and John. He spent time with them, he invested in them, and he taught them to become future leaders of God’s word. So how can you lead differently and develop that next leader to emerge from your team?…

  • Who is in Your Inner Circle?

    Do you surround yourself with people that compliment your strengths and enhance your weaknesses? In Exodus we see that God gave Moses a tremendous task! Not only did he have to keep going to Pharaoh to warn of the plagues but God also asked him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Those are some BIG asks! Moses was human and he often didn’t feel adequate to accomplish these tasks by himself! So what did he do? He surrounded himself with people that could help him. He leaned on Aaron, his brother and later on Joshua who led the Isaelite army. These men supported Moses because they trusted him, but…

  • Life & Death in the Tongue

    As Christians leaders within our work place – we have to think about the words we speak. Our tongue can carry great influence or tear someone down. The tongue is powerful! Go study James 3 about your tongue and make an effort for a desire change. #tamethetongue #selfdiscipline

  • A Price We Pay

    Self discipline is a price we pay when we want to achieve something with a desired result. For example – I want to get healthy, so I need self discipline to prepare and clean my veggies and not eat convenience processed foods like cookies and chips. Another example for me is working out daily, I need to get my butt up early, have a plan, and execute that plan so I can fit comfortably in my jeans. Now think about work, it does takes self discipline to get up and go to work daily, to be on time, and be productive – in return we receive a pay check. But…

  • Self-Discipline Comes Before

    Happy Monday! For the next few days we will dig into the cost of leadership and our willingness to pay. Self-discipline must come before we achieve leadership success. Ponder over these questions before tomorrow: 1. What am I doing as a leader to grow myself daily? 2. How can we expect to take others farther than we have gone ourselves? 3. What does it really mean to live your life going uphill everyday? #HappyMonday #Kingdomleadership #selfdiscipline #stayrooted

  • Leadership is a People Business

    No greater leader has walked the earth than Jesus. He took the time, wherever he was, to speak to people. The Bible doesn’t say Jesus was in a hurry and dreaded to speak to people!! He was interested in knowing them and he was genuine in his love for others. I will never forget several years ago walking through one of our manufacturing plants. I use every minute of my day thinking, planning, etc. so I was in a daze somewhat. A man stopped me and said, “can I ask you a question?” He said, “you walk by me every day and I never see you smile.” That broke my…

  • Politics in the Workplace

    Have you ever worked in a toxic environment? Do you feel office politics are necessary for survival? How should we respond as Rooted women? Are we to just hide and never leave our offices? No! We stay in God’s word and we pray for wisdom and we seek His guidance. In John 17:14, Jesus tells us that we are “in the world, but we are not of the world.” In other words we are to follow His agenda and not the agenda of the world. We show kindness and love. We lift others up; not just ourselves. We behave differently than the rest of the gang. We don’t say bad…

  • Idols…

    In Exodus, God gave Moses and the people of Israel laws to obey, these are known as the Ten Commandments. We are going to focus on the second commandment today – idols. Let’s unpack this with what God said first…”you must not have any other god besides me.” Then he said, “you must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea and bow down to them or worship them.” God told the people, “ I am a jealous God who can not tolerate your affections to any other god.” Exodus 3-4 As Christian working…

  • Share Him Today

    How is your living relationship with God and do you know Jesus well enough to tell people about Him? If not, study the Bible – we can only get to our God through Jesus. Many people don’t know this and as disciples of Christ we must be ready to give this info. Be the light at work and be prepared to share about Jesus when God puts people in front of you. #seekJesus #shareHim #beBold #sharethegift #stayrooted #workplace #love