• We are One

    In John 17 we learn Jesus prayed for us. How awesome is this! He prayed for unity, protection from the evil one and holiness.  Thank you Jesus! Jesus greatest desire was that his disciples would become one – unified as powerful witnesses for God’s love. As Christian working women rooted in our faith, we must unite and be a powerful witness to the reality of God’s love. How do we do this? We can pray for other Christians, avoid gossip, build others up, work together in humility, give your time and money to Christian orginaizations, exalt Christ and refuse to get sidetracked arguing over divisive matters. Monday is the “restart…

  • Vacay!

    We all work hard everyday to hopefully earn vacation. It is part of the cycle of the work world. Greetings from Clearwater beach, I am on vacation and I am recharging. My Bible, coffee and the beach. Three of my favorite things that are part of the recharging process Love you all and hug your family today – life is but a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. Enjoy every minute of every day.

  • Wisdom & Understanding

    Back in February I wrote these words in my journal as I was reading in I Kings. Solomon asked God for wisdom and understanding in his position of leadership – to know what to do and then for the courage to do it. If you are struggling with a situation at work – pray for wisdom & understanding. God will lead you through it.

  • The Greatest Commandment

    Here is great scripture from Jesus about the greatest commandment! “The most important commandment is this: Listen, O Israel!  The Lord our God is the ONE and only Lord. And you must LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31 Jesus is telling us to become love! To LOVE God, our ONE and only God with everything we got and LOVE our neighbor! Yes – even that person at work that gets under your skin! When a situation comes up…

  • How to Handle Conflict

    It’s almost certain as a WWRF you’ll face conflict in the workplace; especially if you are leading others. How you handle that conflict is key. God’s instruction is clear: speak the truth but do it with love. Lead with confidence AND humility.  Lord, help me to live every day by your word!

  • Salty…

    Mark 9:50 are Jesus words about salt! Yes salt… “Salt is good for seasoning.  But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again?  You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other,” Go make a difference in your work place today. Salt changes the flavor of food, let us be the quality of salt and sprinkle new flavor on everyone we encounter today!  Jesus wants us to salt the earth with His love and message! Go be salty!

  • Follow Me

    Summer is here, it is hot and the sun is shining, YAY!!!  There is something so special about a weekend during the summer months.  Having a career where I work full time, I really appreciate and love the summer weekends.  How awesome is it to refresh ourselves out in the sun, get some of the vitamin D our bodies so need to function and to hang out & make memories with friends and family.  The night skies staying light longer and lightning bugs light summer nights with joy – oh how I love the summer weekends!! #watermelon #freshcutgrass #memories Today as I write this blog, let me tell you where…