Follow Me

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Summer is here, it is hot and the sun is shining, YAY!!!  There is something so special about a weekend during the summer months.  Having a career where I work full time, I really appreciate and love the summer weekends.  How awesome is it to refresh ourselves out in the sun, get some of the vitamin D our bodies so need to function and to hang out & make memories with friends and family.  The night skies staying light longer and lightning bugs light summer nights with joy – oh how I love the summer weekends!! #watermelon #freshcutgrass #memories

Today as I write this blog, let me tell you where I am in the Bible.  Over a year plus many months ago, I started reading in Genesis. When I first bought my Bible 4 years ago, I started in the New Testament.  Then from the advice of my mentor Terri Broome, she said start at the beginning. It literally took me over a year plus to read and absorb the Old Testament.  My reading plan is slow, digging and learning as much as possible each day. I know so many people who read the Bible in a year, was I doing something wrong taking a year plus to read the OT?  Nope…. We all have our own journeys. Get in the Bible and create your journey. The Bible is God’s Word! We are to read it daily, this obedience will be the “start” path to creating and building an intimate relationship with our God – THIS IS THE BEST!!!! Read your Bibles please. 

Starting now in the NT, Matthew delivered the gospel and Jesus’ story to me with power – what a blessing!  What really hit me hard this time through Matthew’s gospel was when Peter denies knowing Jesus. Honestly I thought, how could he do this?  It intrigued me so much that I went and read each section of each Gospel about when Peter denied knowing Christ. Currently, I study in the New Living Translation (NLT) Study Application Bible.  First I read the scriptures, then below the scripture read how to apply the scripture in today’s world.    

It blew me away a bit!  Think about this… Jesus picks you, you leave your job for Him, you are hanging around Jesus, traveling with Jesus, listening to Him teach, learning from Him, watching Jesus perform miracles, He gives you the ability to perform miracles, He serves you and washes your feet, you are BESTIES with Jesus!   Then… your bestie is arrested for no real reason and you abandon Him. You run, flee and desert your Bestie?? Peter denied even knowing Jesus – 3 times!!! Again, I thought… how in the world could Peter be so selfish and pretend not to know Him?

So I kept digging in the Bible.  Peter had said to Christ, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I never will.” Mark 14:29.  This got me thinking. Peter genuinely was devoted to Christ verbally, but what about his actions?  How easy is it for us to say we are devoted to Christ, but when we are tested with just a hint of persecution we shut our mouths or run vs following Him and praising Him.  Think about that….

Let’s move into our work world life.  Many of us are Christian women, we go to church on Sunday, read the Bible and volunteer, but when we get to work we leave our faith in the car.

Are we being Peter?  Do we act confused and try to divert attention from ourselves when anything comes up at work about church?  Do we just keep our mouths shut about Jesus at work because it is the “politically correct” thing to do? If any religious subject comes up at work, do we walk away and pretend we do not know the answer?  Are we denying our relationship with Christ at work, going against what the Bible says because we think people will think we are weird and not accept us if we speak up, or if we do speak up we may even lose our job?  

Bottom line and very convicting for me over the past few weeks … If you find yourself subtly diverting conversations so you don’t have to talk about Christ, watch out!  

You may be on the road to denying Him. 

I kept digging!  Peter said in John 13:37, “But why can’t I come now, Lord? I’m ready to die for you.”  Peter loved Jesus so much, his heart was soft toward Jesus, he just could not follow him 100% and totally submit to Christ.  Can you relate at all with Peter here? I surely can. Jesus knew Peter was going to claim he did not even know Him and He spoke this truth right to Peter…

“Die for me?  I tell you the truth, Peter – before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.” John 13:38

What I learned about this is we must have active faith.  Peter only had verbal faith in this moment, he was not willing to follow Jesus physically, he was selfish and did not want to be put in jail and possibly killed!  Jesus has unconditional love for us no matter what! He was willing to die for us on the cross, He loves us so much! Judas betrayed Jesus and He still loved him.  Peter denied Jesus three times and Jesus knew Peter was going to do this and He still loved him.

In John 13:34 Jesus says, “Love each other.”  

When we are confused and afraid, we may run or hide vs follow Jesus.  This is what Peter did and what we do in difficult times or when we are in an uncomfortable situation. We follow Jesus when it is convenient for us.  It is a serious sin to deny Christ. Jesus did forgive Peter for his denial and He will forgive us too! No sin is too great for the Lord to forgive, truly repent and ask Him for forgiveness.  Then change your ways and do not keep doing that sin. Jesus is full of love and wants to share and fill us with His love and the Holy Spirit. 

Please, do not leave your faith in the car as you enter your work place on Monday morning! Trust in our Lord!  We must commit daily as we walk through the parking lot that we will follow Jesus.  

This morning in Mark 8:34 I read the following red letters on total submission to Jesus: 

“If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up our own way, take up your cross, and follow me.” 

Following Jesus will change your life.  I can testify to this!

All glory be given to our God!

Love you all,
