• Unity…Paint the Beauty – We Split

    “Spiritual pride blinds us to our own faults and magnifies the faults of others.” NLT Teaching Bible Eph 2 Hey… Lisa here and this is not really a popular subject to blog about, but sometimes God gives us difficult tasks. Anybody been there when they think they are more spiritual and better than someone else in church or outside of church? God has checked me several times on my faith walk for these types of thoughts, including last night as I told someone how I refuse to watch a preacher’s series…was my spiritual pride in the way? Yup…forgive me Lord. No one is better or worse in the eyes of…

  • EAST to WEST

    If you got in your car to drive East would you ever get there? “He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalm 103:10-12 East and west has no beginning nor end. They never meet. When God forgives our sins they can no longer be found. The past is as far as east is from west. Live free. Don’t wallow in past…

  • Lift the Lid!

    As a coach and trainer in the work world, I have come across people who don’t feel they are “made for leadership.” This is NOT true! Every person has the potential to become a leader, so be encouraged and read on! Leadership is influence and we all can influence someone within the workplace. Along with influence must come a good attitude (good about all things attitude!) with a willingness to intentionally grow. If you think you have arrived as a leader…BEWARE…this can be a recipe for disaster. Leaders who don’t feel they need to grow and only have an attitude of “I have arrived” most likely have become all about…

  • Try Harder or Try Softer…

    Many times at work and home we try to “white knuckle” our way through times of stress and anxiety, making sure we please everyone. We put on a face and attitude of “everything is fine” and inside it is NOT, but we push through, try harder, and become people pleasers seeking human acceptance while growing numb inside. (not gonna lie, I have found myself here at times, even as a Christian who loves & follows Jesus) My hope for all of us after reading this blog is…if you are going through times of stress and anxiety that we can learn to “be more gentle,” especially on ourselves! In a world…


    “Who are you coaching and developing to replace you?” It is important that we continually look for and invest time in future leaders.  As Jesus walked the earth he was surrounded by disciples; his trusted inner circle.  Especially when it came to Peter, James, and John.  He spent time with them, he invested in them, and he taught them to become future leaders of God’s word. So how can you lead differently and develop that next leader to emerge from your team? *Give them opportunities to be front and center.  *Give them a chance to sit at the table; treat them like they have already gotten the promotion. *Engage them…

  • Help…I want to Grow!

    So how is your New Year’s resolution going? Well, most people quit by now or have forgotten about the change they so desperately wanted. If we want change it has to stay in the forefront of our minds! Today we are going to unpack the why behind growth and how it is the foundation of development. Intentional growth has to include some self discipline. This is that price we pay when we want to achieve something with a desired result. For example…I want to eat healthy, so I need intentional self discipline to prepare and prep my food for the week so I stay on track. I give up a…


    Throughout my 26 year career I’ve had my share of interviews. But what I love most is coaching others on effective interviewing. When was the last time you had to write a resume and prepare for an interview? It can be grueling! First you have to put down on paper all of your skills and major accomplishments. Then you have to prepare for the questions and then be able to explain why you are THE best candidate in about 60 minutes or less. Easy right?! But what resonated with me this week as I was studying John 15 is that God has already chosen us. To follow God and accept…

  • First Flutter…

    I remember the first day I saw Todd Williams. It was in homeroom sophomore year of high school – 1986. My heart skipped a beat as the “first flutter” came alive inside of me. I could not stop gazing at this human. I knew I had to date this man, maybe even marry him!! Drinking in the excitement and sparkle of new love – the first flutter! It is a feeling that should be bottled because it is amazing, it is what we call LOVE at first sight!! Here we are 37 years later and we just celebrated 32 years of marriage. The spark lives on and so does the…