• Thankfulness!

    Lord, we thank you today for planting the seed almost 4 years ago for Working Woman Rooted in Faith. Now, Rooted! We pray for continued guidance and that your right hand remains on our ministry. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬#stayrooted#crazyfaith#beyondborders

  • Just Stay Calm

    When the Egyptians were chasing the Isaraelites out of Egypt they were scared! They surely thought they were going to die. But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:13-14 NLT) Stand still…. Watch…. Stay calm…. God himself is fighting for us. We may feel oppressed and beaten down but when you are fully armored by God you don’t have to fight. “The Lord is a warrior; Yahweh is his name.” (Exodus 15:3) Stay in the Word & keep praying ladies! Stay armored. #ArmorOfGod #juststaycalm #dontbeafraid #yahwehishisname

  • Our Struggles…

    I hoped you joined us in prayer yesterday!! Thank you Lisa for calling us to pray together!! Last Saturday I posted on praying scripture and I shared that I felt God had recently led me to go through my Bible to read all the scriptures that I had flagged with sticky notes. I have been reading them outloud in the mornings. One of these scriptures is Ephesians 6; The Armor of God. Our pastor, Jordan Green at Pursuit Church is doing a podcast series on Faith & Spiritual Warfare which is based on Ephesians 6. On Wednesday I received an email from “Marriage After God” and it is titled: “Prayer:…

  • It’s Sticky

    I couldn’t help but chuckle this week as I picked up my Bible one morning and noticed all the sticky notes jutting out. Change of plans! Because then I proceeded to go through each one. What an amazing journey. Lisa posted several days last week on prayer. My sticky notes have led me through praying scriptures this week. So I thought I’d share the scripture that has made its way on many of my sticky notes. It’s an amazing scripture that you can pray each day. Each and every time I pick up my Bible and read; I’m in awe. Every page deserves a sticky note! Thank you Heavenly Father…

  • Attitude Adjustment

    Have you ever had the experience of leading disgruntled people? People that complain about EVERYTHING! You don’t have to raise your hand, but my experience tells me we have all worked with this type of person and it can be exhausting! In Numbers 13 Moses sends 12 scouts to preview the Promised Land that God had promised to the Isralietes. However, despite the beauty of the land, ten of those scouts came back and expressed negative opinions and incited fear among the people because they saw “giants” and fortified cities. “And they spread among the Israelities a bad report about the land they had explored.” They only saw hurdles and…

  • They are as frail as breath…

    This can change your life at work and at home! The Bible tells us not to put our faith and hope in anyone or anything; meaning governments, companies, people. “They are as frail as breath….” The only one we can put our FULL trust and hope in is God. Look to God as your source of help and guidance. It’s all in the Bible. Seek Him and find Him. #getrooted #lifeisavapor #itsallintheBible

  • High Roader

    There have been many times as a leader that people on my team or within the company have treated me badly. It is really an unavoidable fact that this will happen. When treated badly I tend to take things personally and want to react immediately. I call this my blow fish mentality – I puff up, get mad and get very verbal. Thankfully, in these situations my leader and boss says, “let’s slow down and look at this situation.” He would ask me, do you think they did this intentionally? We would talk through it, I would calm down, and then a decision had to be made… How was I…

  • Why Your Husband Doesn’t Hurry Home – Vlog

    Lisa and I are grateful to have sat under Terri Broome’s teachings at Pursuit Church. She’s a friend, mentor and amazing teacher of God’s word. While our hearts at Rooted are to share God’s love in the workplace we’ve both learned it has to first start in the four walls of our homes. We are so excited to share the first podcast from Terri! Why Your Hubby Doesn’t Hurry Home. Please take a few minutes to listen! It will rock your world in a good way. We love you Terri and your heart for women & their husbands.

  • Hope for our Tongues…

    The book of James is small in comparison to other great books in the Bible but it packs a mighty punch. James 1:26 “If you claim to be religious but do not control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is WORTHLESS. Ouch! This truth can be hard to accept. James goes on to tell us in Chapter 3 that the tongue is like a “flame of fire” and a “whole world of wickedness.” “It is set on fire by hell itself.” No human can tame the tongue in their own strength. Nor does religion. But there is hope! When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, He…