• He Doesn’t Owe You

    Samson was a judge for Israel for 20 years per the Book of Judges. He was born with great physical strength and was dedicated to God at birth. Samson was to do great works for God by helping rescue Israel from the Philistines. Samson had several weaknesses, he used his gifts and abilities from God unwisely. He was controlled by sensuality and often confided in the wrong people. Samson’s great physical strength did allow him to conquer many Philistines and have personal victories. The problem was he had some pride issues. He would boast and take great credit for his work and not give God the credit or glory. When…

  • How to Start Revival

    “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to the world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.” 1 John 3:1 This scripture brings an exciting message (we are God’s children!!!) yet it also brings a level of sadness at the same time. There’s an urgency, a sense of time running out….”because they don’t know him.” The love that comes from the Holy Spirit living inside of believers breaks down walls and division. It’s the only way to reach those who don’t know Him. When you live out…

  • Boast Only

    Pride is like a cavity. We may not realize it’s there at first, it starts small but it gets bigger and more painful until the only thing left to do is to yank the tooth out. God despises pride. He destroyed the king of Assyria because he was “proud and arrogant.” (Isaiah 10:12) The king took all the credit. I this, I that, it was me!!! As a business leader we’ve all been taught, never say I, always say we or the team. But as a Christian leader do we go beyond this training and give credit to our Father? Pride was such a big issue in Corinth because they…

  • Changing the World On Person At A Time

    Are you a Christian? This is a question we hope you are answering with a big YES! But stats tell us different – many people on social media where this blog will land are not Christians, but we beg you regardless of your faith belief – to please keep reading!! This globe we live on is not reflecting love – we see this in our newsfeeds everyday. We see actions of hate, slandering, murder, cheating, and division. It is heartbreaking and some days we can’t even comprehend the evil. But we at Rooted do have hope – our world can change. It can happen, we can reflect love to others.…

  • Enduring Patience

    As Christian leaders within the workplace, we are to make decisions guided by Faith, not fear or frustration! When we choose Faith – we have to wait on God’s timing! Many of us say we believe in the promise God has given us…but then we have absolutely no patience to wait on Him. Waiting on God’s timing is such a hard part of our Faith journey as a Christian. Before I practiced my Faith daily, my personality as a leader was to come up with a solution and fix the frustration, fear, or obstacle immediately. I was the classic microwave leader lacking empathy and patience for others. For me to…

  • Get In Your Bible

    It is Monday! Yay!! As you move forward with your week, make the time each morning to read your Bible! The greatest means of God’s guidance is in His Word. In the OT, the people of God did not have this incredible book of God’s ways and wisdom. They asked for signs and questioned God often. Today…we do have the Bible – as Christians we need to read it, know it, and live it. My upcoming week is not looking normal, there is some uncertainty and things that may happen that are out of my control…this has caused some fear and anxiety to creep in. But…one thing that is certain…

  • Slippery Slope

    Comparison. Now that’s a slippery slope. And unfortunately such a part of our human nature. What is one thing or person you’ve compared yourself to this week that left you feeling inadequate? Or perhaps you had a moment where you felt like “whew I’m glad I’m not struggling like they are.” Guilty. Comparing ourselves to others leads to a path of pride and vanity. Paul is addressing the Corinthians because they were comparing him to other flashy, smooth talking preachers that were only saying what the people wanted to hear. These other preachers had large followings; they appeared to be very successful. “But they are only comparing themselves with each…

  • God’s Mighty Weapons

    2020 was a year we will never forget. And yet here we are in August 2021 and we see 2020 slowly unfolding right before us. Again. As women rooted in faith I encourage you to fight through this battle as you lead your business, your family, your friends with God’s mighty weapons. Paul reminded the Corinthians that we are just merely humans and that human methods won’t win our battles. “We are humans, but we don’t wage war as humans do.” Satan is attacking because he sees people accepting Christ. He sees our youth rising up in our churches. He sees us working for God and not for man. Paul…

  • God Stays the Same

    Many times in life we feel overwhelmed and say to ourselves how are we going to get through this day? You may be facing an obstacle right now, having these overwhelming feelings, and wondering what to do? Stop and pray! Don’t ask for anything in prayer, just ask to be with Him. Be silent, still, turn your thoughts inward toward your heart and long to be in His presence. Honestly, we have a hard time doing this in our fast paced world, but try it. Decide on an amount of time and just be still – seek God – pray to be in His presence. This type of prayer of…

  • Your Security

    Be encouraged today and super confident that our God is in control. You may be going through a trial right now – put your trust in the Lord – He protects the faithful! Go read the Book of Daniel and watch God work in your life – find your security in His sovereignty. Stay Rooted, Lisa & Heather