Ever have doubt…like in times of trials? Maybe some doubt about your faith and our God? Reading Psalm 77 this morning I was encouraged by God’s Word and hope it inspires you too!! Asaph is the author and had cried out to God in his times of trials. The first half of the Psalm it was all about him doubting God during his distress and he used “I” many times, thinking about himself first. All that “I” am suffering. All that God was not doing for and fixing for “I.” It was all God’s fault. “You don’t let me sleep, I am too distressed to even pray. I think of…

  • Will I See My Enemy in Heaven?

    The word enemy is a strong word. It brings with it a heaviness, a feeling of danger, fear, and even war. The dictionary defines an enemy as a thing that harms or weakens something else or a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those that hurt you.” Luke 6:27 There are four very specific commands that we are given when we encounter someone who opposes us or harms us: love them, do good for them, bless them, and…

  • The Price Tag of Leadership…

    To become a great leader we must lead with self-control.  You may know a leader who is really talented and smart, but has no self control when it comes to…let’s say… their anger!  They constantly blow up at you with harsh words and say things that shut you down. We most likely will not want to follow this person, no matter how smart they are! Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. When you accept Jesus as your Savior and walk by faith, the Spirit inside of us helps guide us to his ways. When we are in a state of spiritual discipline we will bring ourselves in front of…


    When Israel was scattered to foreign lands there was a wide belief that people could only be close to God if they were in the temple. But God promised those in exile that He was with them despite where they were physically located. Did being in the Temple automatically make anyone closer to God? Appearances can be deceiving. You know there’s an old saying that goes “don’t judge a book by the cover.” And it goes both ways. Those that appear like they may have it all together may actually be living distant from God. While those walking through some of life’s most difficult seasons may be resting in the…

  • When You Don’t Have All The Facts

    As Christian leaders within the workplace, we are to make decisions guided by Faith, not fear or frustration!  When we choose Faith – we have to wait on God’s timing! Many of us say we believe in the promises God has given us…but then we have absolutely no patience to wait on Him. Waiting on God’s timing is such a hard part of our Faith journey as a Christian.    Before I practiced my Faith daily and lived for Jesus, my personality as a leader was to come up with a solution and fix the frustration, fear, or obstacle immediately. I was the classic microwave leader lacking empathy and patience for…

  • Everything Worthwhile Is Uphill

    “I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I’m upward bound, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heaven’s table land, A higher plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” Johnson Oatman Jr, 1898 Are you willing to climb higher? To get closer to Jesus so that you can hear Him? We aren’t promised an easy path up the mountain, oh but how it’s worth it. Stay Rooted & keep climbing! #higherground #IMC2022 #WWRF

  • Standing In The Gap

    One of my biggest blessings in this world is knowing that I have family and friends who pray often on my behalf. I know they are standing in the middle and interceding on my behalf. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. We learn in Ezekiel 22 that God searched for someone to intercede on behalf of the Israelite people as they faced exile in Babylon. The description provides a vivid image of a fortress with a compromised wall. The hole left the people vulnerable and exposed. God was seeking someone to intercede for them. “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall…

  • ​​Sold Out To God…

    King David sought God’s presence every day, not just in times of troubles. “The one thing I ask the Lord – the thing I seek the most – is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His Temple.” Psalm 27:4 (NLT) David’s greatest desire was to live in God’s presence each day of his life. We can learn from David!! His desire and commitment to live in God’s presence gave him confidence that whatever God brought him to – God would bring him through.  WE need to develop this unwavering confidence like David.  We must…


    Do you ever have those moments along your spiritual journey that just stick with you? I remember about 4 years ago (feels like 2!) I had a meeting to attend and I dreaded it so much. The subject was difficult as well as the people. I woke up on the morning of the meeting to a sweet text from Lisa. The Holy Spirit had led her to reach out (I had not shared my anxiety) and I’ll never forget what she wrote. “Before you enter the conference room, pray for God’s presence. Just imagine Him being there and sitting at the table.”  And that’s what I did. And that’s what…

  • The Blessing

    Our children’s, children’s, children! This week on social media I watched as many parents posted pictures of their children’s first day of school.  It is an exciting time of year when we purchase new clothes, new school supplies, and school sports and activities start up again! I can remember the feeling of walking into school with a new outfit, new shoes, new backpack, and ready for a new school year to start. As I was studying the book of Psalms this week I came across some verses that really touched my heart.  Psalm 22 was about David who had gone through great suffering to great joy.  He had been rejected…