“If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see? And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers.” 1 John 4:20-21 These verses in the Bible have come alive for me over the last year of my life. I know within the secular work world we may run into non-believers who don’t know God’s love or don’t love God at all…but, I thought within churches people who say “I love God” would also love each other. If…

  • Atmosphere of Love

    When we see heart shapes we often think of love!  I know when Heather and I create our graphics we often add hearts when relating to love. Love is something that is a feel good word, we want to be loved and we love to be around family and friends who love us!  Reality check…for us working women, a majority of our time each day is spent at work and around co-workers and clients!  As we go to work each day, do we have love in mind?  How much do we love what we do, do we love our co-workers, do we create a loving atmosphere? As Christian women working…

  • Never Leave or Forsake YOU

    There will be times in your career where doubt and fear will start to creep in.  You may even start to ask yourself, “why am I here?” Trust me! It happens! I love what John C. Maxwell writes in his book Developing the Leader Within You: “At such times I do not feel competent enough, experienced enough, strong enough, faithful enough, wise enough, or qualified enough…I must acknowledge my weakness, ask God and others to help me, and summon the courage to take action.” Ephesians 6:10 “Finally be STRONG in the Lord and in his MIGHTY power.” Courage can come only from God and the power of the Holy Spirit…


    It’s been a messy year. There have been times of stillness and searching. But I have continued to press on because I know God’s ways and God’s thoughts are higher than my own. Over the last month I’ve continued to feel my Spirit saying, “go back, go back to the beginning. Go back to where you first found Me.” It’s been a journey of the heart as I went back to 2017. The first book of the Bible I ever read was Matthew. So that’s where I went. Back to the place when I started reading my Bible in the mornings and amazing truths were revealed. Back to following the…

  • Friends & Compassion…

    When going through something in life that causes much grief, oftentimes we want to just give up. I know I have been there before…Can I get an AMEN?! In the story of Job, he was grieving due to loss that seems so completely unbearable to grasp, the pain was incredibly real. Many of his friends came around and gave their opinion of why such terrible suffering had happened to him. One blamed it on some sin he must have done and was being punished by God. I am so thankful for the book of Job. Not all suffering is caused by sin we did. There are many different reasons we…

  • Be Perfect Like Your Father

    If someone asked you to describe your idea of perfection how would you respond? But what about God’s definition of perfect? Finished, complete, pure and holy. Unfortunately we can find ourselves chasing the wrong kind of perfection.  Perfect doesn’t mean having the best clothes, or cleanest house or any of those worldly things AND perfect doesn’t mean we are sinless. Perfection is the desire with every single heartbeat to conform ourselves to the example of our Heavenly Father. The world just has it all wrong. “But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 This totally changes how I’d answer the question on…

  • God is in Control!

    What a privilege to read and study the book of Esther this week. What a great story that God is sovereign over every area of our lives. Sovereign means He is in control and knows what is going to happen to each of us!! The book of Esther is a reminder of God’s divine guidance and care over our lives.  He cares so much for us!! Although we may question certain circumstances in our lives, we must have faith that God is in control!  We must have faith and work through both the pleasant and difficult times so that we can serve Him effectively – at home, at church, and…

  • Ridiculous Love

    When I read this earlier in the week I felt a shift. God opened my eyes and revealed a deep truth. I’m so thankful my sister gave me permission to share her beautiful testimony. To walk through what she’s going through with eyes only focused on Jesus puts all of our trivial day to day issues in perspective. Keep sharing little sister. God’s plan is greater than we can ever imagine – you are loved and fully armored by God. **************************************** This journey has been one of the hardest things in my life. I never wanted to be a warrior or discover my strength’s depths. I wanted to continue living…


    Webster’s defines PRIDE as a deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements. The Bible describes PRIDE as giving ourselves credit for something that God has accomplished! Ultimately pride is self-worship. Pride is taking credit when all the credit and glory go to God. Think of a major accomplishment in your life. Perhaps it was a successful project, a big sale, a pay raise, a bigger house…… Were you proud of yourself or did you give God credit for helping you achieve this? Satan was cast out of Heaven because of pride. Nothing good can come of pride. Only destruction. 1 Corinthians 4:6, “What do you have that you…

  • God’s Power

    As Christians, ever have a day or maybe even a week or month or year when it seems that everything is against you – when you feel like you are on trial or you are suffering greatly?  When your reputation may be at stake? In the Bible, it describes how an apostle of Jesus Christ named Paul led and planted churches for years, but also faced so many trials and suffered greatly. In the last week I was given scripture to go read by my Christian mentor and also the Pastor at my church. It was 2 Corinthians 12:9, so I have been studying it this week. Wow is all…