• Loudest Whisper

    God doesn’t like to shout. Don’t get me wrong. He will get our attention if we aren’t listening. But we can often find God gently whispering in the quietness of our surrendered heart. If we are listening. I love this story about Elijah in the cave! Elijah felt defeated and ready to give up.  So he retreated to a cave to hide. But from the cave on Mount Sinai he witnessed a mighty windstorm, an earthquake, and a fire. But the Lord wasn’t in these loud and powerful events.  Seems odd right? “And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his…

  • Speak Life…

    Robert Morris says the following: “Our words have power because we were created in the image of a God who spoke with creative power! It is so important for us to control our tongues. LIFE or DEATH is in the power of our tongues!! Are we speaking life over our marriages, our children, our friends, and our coworkers? Stop speaking death. Start speaking life!” It is our choice to speak life!  Take notice today how you speak to people or about them – what does it bring? Life or death? Choose to speak life! . We encourage you to read Pastor Robert’s book, “The Power Of Your Words.”  It will…

  • Shut Our Mouths

    The below quote picture starts off Chapter 3 from “The Power of Your Words” – the name of chapter 3 is “Can I Speak Freely?”  Robert Morris tells us that ALL words spoken come at a cost and when we say “can I speak freely” many have no sense of what it is about to cost them!  In my opinion, many of us walk around with “no cost” stamped on our foreheads, we speak whatever we want, when we want, to whoever we want. Sometimes these words spoken can be reckless and cruel and cost us so so very much. As Christians, we have dual citizenship in both the country…

  • The Power of Words

    A good friend suggested I read “The Power of Your Words.”  I am so thankful she cared enough to suggest this book to me! This book is written by Pastor Robert Morris and he communicates how God can bless your life through the words you speak. “The quality of the life you are living depends on what you have been saying.” Robert Morris Phew, get ready to get your toes stepped on a bit, but oh it is so worth it!! He connects everything to scripture, so it is God’s way not Robert’s. Remember leaders, we need to be intentional with our learning and also be uncomfortable…this means we are…


    The first word Jesus spoke during the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) was “blessed.” I closed my eyes and thought about this moment. A large crowd of followers gathered around Jesus. He sat on a mountain side as His disciples gathered. I imagine Him sitting on higher ground provided by the mountain slope so all could see Him. I hear babies crying, people chattering in passing, maybe even a dog barking. But I imagine when Jesus spoke the word “blessed” that silence fell on the crowd. The Latin word for blessed comes from “beatus” – it was a powerful word not spoken about humans because it carried a divine…

  • Prayer & Action

    The story of Nehemiah in the Bible is so inspiring for today’s Christians and especially if you value leadership.  This chapter is a model for all leaders no matter where you work or what you do! Nehemiah was a man of character, persistence, and most of all prayer.  He was a brilliant planner, organizer, and motivator who God blessed greatly.  Under his leadership, the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt in 52 days – which seemed at that time to be an “impossible task” for the Jews. #teamwork When we think of leaders in the workplace, in ministry, or at home –  we often think of people with tons of power…


    I have very vivid memories of both my Mom and Dad’s parents growing gardens each year. Hands down this was the best food I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. I can still taste the sweet corn, green beans and cucumbers with a big piece of cornbread on the side! We just recently planted our little garden. As you prepare a garden you plow away the clumps of hard dirt, you soften the soil, you pull out the weeds and add fertilizer before any seeds can be planted. It’s a progression. But any farmer who expects to produce a bountiful harvest can’t spend days and days prepping the soil. This…

  • Value & Leadership

    One of the biggest things I have learned over the last two years about leadership is the meaning of value.  Value has nothing to do with goods or profits, which is difficult to get out of the mind of a sales trainer that works for a sales dominated company.  But with the Holy Spirit inside of me, transformation will and did come!! As a Christian leader in the secular world, the meaning of value has become so much more to me. It has to do with the people and the people only! If we start valuing our people, the profits will come. “Five things I say every morning” was taught…

  • Memorial Day Thankfulness

    Rooted would like to honor our military men and women and their families today for their ultimate sacrifice. Many of the companies we work for give us this day off, so please take some extra time today to pray for the families of these heroes. These heroes who gave their lives FOR US so we can live in America, be free, and have many choices freedom brings. #freespeach #faith #God #pursuitofhappyness If you have not been to our National Cemetery, please go and walk the many many rows of these military men and women. It is so very emotional and yet extremely powerful to build faith and a loving heart…


    The first time I heard the song Let the Light In by Kari Jobe I thought about my sweet Maggie when she was a newborn infant.  The doctor recommended letting her sleep during the day in front of the window so she could get natural sunlight to help improve her jaundice. We were letting the light in to heal her little body.  All through the Bible there are references to light.  Similar to the physical light that helped heal my daughter; God’s light is available to heal us spiritually. His light brings us joy, comfort, and healing. Our culture reminds us daily of the evils in the world.  All the…