Unconditional Love
Jesus came to this world to teach us how to love unconditionally! If you are a parent you know the depths of what that means. But what’s radical about the love of Jesus is that he loves ALL people. #yeshedoes
Loving like Jesus means you desire everything good for the other person. As leaders in the workplace do you love like Jesus? Do you desire to see others grow and develop to their highest potential or are you scared someone may get a head of you?
Jesus was constantly pouring himself out to others…leading, teaching, and loving. Even those that society had deemed unworthy. Oh how I love the story of the Samaritan woman at the well! (John 4) And he crossed all barriers to share the Good News!
You are loved! In this Christmas season there is a hope and love waiting for you if you seek him. He loves like no other!
In Mark chapter 12 Jesus gave the most important commandment. He said, “Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.”
Matthew Kelly wrote in his book Rediscover Jesus, “At the end, when you face God, perhaps what he will ask is: How well did you love? Jesus, teach us to love with abandon.”
Let us love radically like Jesus, not just at Christmas but through the entire year!
I hope y’all don’t ever get tired of Lisa and I teaching about love!
Happy Thursday! We LOVE you!