Microwave vs Crock Pot

I walked into my new career in North Carolina in 2005 and I was greeted by a beautiful woman who is full of joy – her name is Tee Regusters!! This woman has become my close friend! This friend at work, who is a Christian, is slow to respond, prays about everything and waits until the Holy Spirit tells her to move or react. I would always tell her she has a crock pot mentality. It would frustrate me at times that she could not make decisions quicker and would take so long to make a change!!

Oh what I have learned from Tee over the years!! See, I was the opposite of my friend at work. As slow as she was to make decisions or respond to something—I was fast like a microwave!! Back in 2005 and until recently, I was quick to respond and usually in a self-centered way. I made decisions very quickly, regardless of how it made someone feel or the consequences that may occur. I have the microwave mentality, I would say, “we are at work and this needs to be done, suck it up buttercup and get it done!!” I knew (at least I thought) what was right and I was quick to bark demands and blow up if needed. Just imagine a blow fish getting all puffy, that was me!!! I operated out of a place of fear and had a lot of built up anger.

Scripture says “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.” Proverbs 12:15.

This scripture and many, many more have taught me so much about being a fool! Reading Proverbs, I have learned from Solomon that a fool is someone who knows it all, has an opinion on everything, resents discipline and refuses to learn.

I was a fool and I did not even know it!  In the last few years my faith has grown through reading the Bible and my heart has changed.  As we strive for effective living as a Christian it must begin with God’s wisdom. Through reading the Bible we get His wisdom. I have learned to respect and appreciate who God is and I have reverence and awe toward God! His character just blows me away!!

There are many examples I could give over the last 22 years of my work career where I was a fool. I was a “know it all” and resented discipline. I wanted things done my way and I made things happen my way. I became successful but was not always liked and I was miserable.

But… by the grace of God, I am being transformed. I am learning to slow down, be slow to respond, to listen and pray about situations before I react. Many people in my life have told me to stop before you blast off that email or phone call and “sleep on it”.  Oh there is so much wisdom in this statement. There are a couple of things I would add to this statement: get in the Word, seek God’s wisdom and pray – then go to bed!!! If your work life is miserable right now the above combo will start to change your attitude and your heart! Seeking God will change your work life!

My friend Tee was following Jesus daily and at that time I was not! The incredible part of this is she never pushed Jesus down my throat. She led by example for over 10 years before I was saved.  She would tell me she reads the Bible (I did not even own one), she prays before every meal, she would tell me that the Holy Spirit said to wait and she waited, she radiates and glows (I wanted that!) and she really genuinely loves everyone. I did not understand everything she did and may have given an occasional eye roll when she frustrated me with how patient she was, but she just kept living for Jesus and loved me where I was in my journey! She did not judge me and was so patient and prayed for me. I am always in awe of how God works His way into our lives!!

The example of my sweet friend has been such an eye opener for me as I walk daily for Jesus. We often laugh together about her still being the crockpot and me still being the microwave. But we know God created us this way and put us in each other’s life to help encourage each other!! Slow or fast we are learning from each other. I love her so much!

This was an ah ha moment for me. In the secular world we can be the example of Jesus by our actions! This has been revealed to me and I had to share this with all of you through this story! What a blessing to be friends with this woman!

Who can you be an example for through your actions?

As I close my blog today, let us all reflect on Paul’s words.

He says in Galatians 5 the following: “I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” 16

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.“ 22-23

Paul is teaching us about the Holy Spirit. We receive this Spirit once we accept Jesus into our lives as our Lord and Savior. As we strive for effective living each day as a Christian, ask the Holy Spirit to be with you! Spend time in His word, praying and being alone with the Spirit! Be slow to react and quick to listen. My friend produces this type of fruit and the Spirit flows within her every day!!

This I have learned and shout out loudly – with the Holy Spirit alive in you, your faith will start to grow and the fruit will be abundant! What a gift we have been given.

Love you all!
