You Were Created to do Great Things – Through God’s Power

I can not imagine sitting in a room knowing that the answers to questions about my religion could mean death. Yet, Virginia Prodan faced her assassins on several occasions and prayed scripture over the men determined to kill her. Bold for God!!! They attacked her and threatened her life and the life of her children. Yet, she would not deny God or provide information that would put others at risk.

Virginia tells her story of survival in Romania’s communist regime in her memoir Saving My Assassin. Determined to fight for those being persecuted for their Christian beliefs she in turn almost loses hers in the process. She chose to obey God in the calling he gave her. And when the eyes of her assassin burned with hatred and rage she remembered Matthew 5:44; written in red letters.

“But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you.”

In her book she reminds us of prayers that she repeated and prayed during the time she faced her assassins. We should all memorize these!

Psalm 56:3 “But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.”

Psalm 70:5 “But for me I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay.”

Psalm 50:15 “Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

God saved Virginia’s life and she was exiled in 1988. She now lives in the United States and is a human rights attorney who continues to fight for religious freedoms. God created her to do great things and she listened. She truly is a woman rooted in her faith and in God.

Love Heather & Lisa ❤️

#boldforGod #stayrooted #trustinGod