Wise Hearts – Wise Words

“The heart of the wise teaches his mouth; and adds learning to his lips.” Proverbs 16:23

What is in our hearts – wise or not – will come out our mouths.  My friend and mentor Terri Broome has taught us women this for years. ❤️ #itiswritten

Our speech is influenced by our hearts at home, work, or in ministry. Solomon teaches through this Proverb that unless there be a good treasure within to support the eloquence of our lips – it is worth little. Wisdom in the heart is the main matter.

Our hearts will direct us on what to speak, gives us weight on what to speak, and how to speak it. If we only become a master of words and speak to flatter people, our words will be rejected  and considered trite.

Our hearts must be in the “right place” to speak wisely and teach. We can have all the Bible knowledge or work knowledge in our minds, but the heart is where our words flow from. If your heart is hard, your words will be hard and rejected.

How do we get to the “right place”?

We must have God in our lives to flow wisdom from the heart. Our hearts must be connected to the Main source – the Power!

The ONLY way to soften your heart and have God in your life is through Jesus. Then… with the Holy Spirit’s power inside of you, be ready for your words to be heard and learned.

As we flow our words from our heart and season them with grace like salt, we set up a nourishing dish for ALL to eat.

Heart sprung speech has weight!

Stay Rooted,Lisa and Heather ❤️