Who is in Your Inner Circle?

Do you surround yourself with people that compliment your strengths and enhance your weaknesses? In Exodus we see that God gave Moses a tremendous task! Not only did he have to keep going to Pharaoh to warn of the plagues but God also asked him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Those are some BIG asks!

Moses was human and he often didn’t feel adequate to accomplish these tasks by himself! So what did he do? He surrounded himself with people that could help him. He leaned on Aaron, his brother and later on Joshua who led the Isaelite army. These men supported Moses because they trusted him, but they each brought strengths to the team that Moses did not have. Aaron was not intimidated by speaking and Joshua was a trusted warrior.

Whether building a business team, organizing a volunteer team, or just doing life with your core group – we can learn from the life of Moses in that we need to surround ourselves with people of different strengths. The growth you will experience and that tasks you can accomplish from having a strong inner circle surpasses anything you could do or learn all by yourself! In Proverbs 13:20 we learn, “walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Find those that share your love for God, your commitment to being rooted, and build your inner circle with those that will help you accomplish great things!

#thankfulformycore #stayrooted #kingdomleadership #keeplearning