Where to Run

Close your eyes for just a few seconds. Think about a time that you felt all hope was lost.  Perhaps you were so hurt, so burdened that you just didn’t know what to do.

Now read Psalm 91. A beautifully written chapter on God’s protection. Heartache and sadness happen to us. Danger exists in this world. But we don’t have to live in fear. We don’t have to feel lost with nowhere to turn.

You see we can run to our Father!  His arms are outstretched! And there we can seek shelter right beside Him. We can tell him why we are hurting, why we are scared. His promise of never leaving us and always loving us providing the armor and protection that we need.

It’s not always easy to explain. And to get here takes active faith. The first step is reading this amazing book called the Bible each and every day. Praying and meditating on what it teaches. It’s transformational!

Rooted is CONFIDENT in our God! And we are here if you need us. We are praying for you!

#ConfidentWeek #rooted #itsallinthebible #crazyfaith