Several weeks ago my daughter and I were able to get away and enjoy a few days in the mountains together. As we were driving to our cabin it was dark and raining and we didn’t know exactly where we were going. About 10 miles out we encountered a very heavy fog on a tiny, winding mountain road. The fog was so blinding the headlights barely cut through it.

I turned the radio down and started praying as I drove. My daughter helped me navigate the turns so I could focus on not running off the road. Although it seemed like forever, we made it safely to our cabin but we were exhausted. Prayers of thankfulness echoed in my mind as we unpacked and said good night.

The next morning we woke to a beautiful sunny fall day. The leaves were radiant and the views just breathtaking. As we drove down the mountain to our favorite coffee shop we were shocked by how treacherous the road had been the night before now that we could see. The mountain sides were steep and very high. Again I prayed a prayer of thankfulness.

Since this experience I’ve reflected on its significance and how much this story parallels with so many of us in our own faith journeys.

“Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

There will certainly be seasons of darkness and difficulty that we will walk through but God promises it only lasts for the night. It won’t last forever. He promises that joy will return and the darkness will fade. Whatever you are going through now that is pressing down you, whether at work or home- it will not last. Rejoice!

“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” Psalm 23:4

The curvy road was so much worse than I could physically see that night. I probably would have stopped driving! We know there are battles in the “unseen world” being fought for us. As we pray and call on the Holy Spirit the fear subsides. God gives us strength versus fear to keep going. We trust Him! We know that God is with us; He’s close beside us helping us navigate the unseen and the roads we travel.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9

God is always with us and promises never to leave us, but it’s comforting to also have close companions as we navigate the dark and twisty turns life throws at us sometimes. I’m grateful that I had my daughter with me that night. And I say many prayers of thankfulness for those close to me that love me through these times.

Love from Rooted

Heather & Lisa