Whatever You Do, Do Well

Do you love your job? If not, why? What if I asked do you love your work? Wait! Aren’t JOBS and WORK the same?

A job may be something we get paid to do. But God expects us to WORK for Him. This work never changes; although we may have different jobs as we progress through life. 

Solomon gives us direction for how our jobs and our work are intertwined.

Be joyful. Live happily.

Work with energy. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race.

Work with wisdom (not the human kind!)

Life is uncertain. It’s like “chasing the wind.” Enjoying our jobs AND our works is part of enjoying life as a gift from God. Don’t let the unknown cast a shadow. Instead let your joy and faith testify that you “work” because you know God is in control and that you can put your trust in Him.

Enjoy this beautiful day! Recharge.

Love, Rooted

Heather & Lisa Zagers Williams