Wednesday Encouragement

A little hump day encouragement as we head to work today!  We must remember that God is in control and never changes  – yesterday, today, or tomorrow.  This consistency should give us such hope!!

We live in a world invaded by sin – suffering WILL come to the good and bad alike.  Keep an attitude of love and kindness as you go into work today and especially if you are facing any problems.

Also keep Romans 8:28 alive in your mind and heart if you are in any type of turmoil at work…

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

God is our foundation, ladies. God is love. WE love God and He loves us. This scripture is for us!! We may be dealing with an issue at work that we have no idea why it is happening… this is real but so is our GOD!! This is where TRUST comes in and we must have a strong foundation in God.

Stay in your Word (daily), pray, and turn to God to start building your foundation. Also call on women with the same strong God foundation for counsel – receiving  love and truth helps and we need each other!

He loves us so so much that He gave us His son!!  His perfect son took on sin for us! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 We can never be separated from God’s love. We must believe this! 

We encourage you to hold your tongue today if needed. Maybe not have to be right about something with a coworker, and also try to be a better listener. Truly begin to be open, keep things simple, and give up self.  “Less of self and more of God!!”  Say this today several times when you start to spiral.

What an opportunity to influence someone as you walk through the doors of work knowing your foundation is in God!  Truly believing in our sovereign God to protect and love us through anything. We get to flow the love of Christ at our workplace, what a privilege. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

We love you ladies!  Have a great Wednesday and be encouraged!! 

God loves us!!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather 🤍