We Lower – God Lifts

As we go through work or home life, we may say “I would love to be a leader!” Most of us are leaders on some level but we do not realize it.  We think because we don’t have the fancy title or large salary – we can’t lead.

Being a leader is all about influence, when we influence others they will follow you. If people only follow you because of your title or how much money you have, once your situation changes they will stop following you.  Leaders with influence will always multiply their following.

Jesus was the ULTIMATE influential leader, hands down the best! His influence and vision encouraged the disciples to follow Him.  Because of His influence, millions of people from all over the world follow Him to this day.

How did Jesus develop influence so people would follow?

One way was through service and sacrifice.  Jesus served everyone vs being served.  He became last and ALL others became first. He is the Son of God who humbly sacrificed His life for us through cruxifiction.

I recently purchased a leadership teaching Bible (NIV) and as my friend Heather has said many times…”all we need to learn about leadership is in the Bible.”  This was part of my summary teaching today out of Revelation, “It is the leaders job to sacrifice; God’s job is to promote! If we stoop down, He will raise us up.”

If you want to be a leader with influence adopt this Law of Sacrifice.

Today, right now – so many of us just want to be the TOP dogs in our companies. Maybe we want to have a LARGE ministry that is changing the world. Or we desire to lead our families to FLOURISH financially and for our homes to LOVE and SERVE Jesus.

But many of these things are not happening in our lives, we can’t understand why, our efforts seem to fall short, we are not able to lead and influence others.

I challenge you to ask yourself this question…What have you given up to go up?

“The lower we go , the higher we grow,”  says John Maxwell.  If you want to lead with influence and see your life change…learn to serve, be last, be low.

Jesus is the ultimate example of this leadership law, the Law of Sacrifice.

We lower – God lifts. 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather ❤️

#sacrifice #serving #influence #Jesus