Chances are if you are reading this you are waiting on something. Maybe you are waiting on a child you’re trying so hard to conceive, a diagnosis from a doctor, a new job, a promotion, reconciliation, maybe healing from sickness or disease, or maybe you’re even waiting for someone that you love so dearly to accept Christ. We are all waiting on something or someone.

One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is about a Father who was waiting on his son to return home. In the gospel of Luke chapter 15 we learn about the Prodigal Son. The young son took his inheritance and left his father’s home to live it up far from home.

But even though the son brought heartache, the father never stopped loving his son. He spent his days waiting for his son to return. Each day he walked out of his home and looked down the road in order to see if he could just maybe catch a glimpse of his son in the distance. I can just picture him praying and asking God to return his son to him as he looked down the road. My stomach tightens just imagining all the feelings he had during these moments.

And he waited.

And he waited.

And yet the father didn’t give up hope. Day after day he waited until he caught a glimpse one day of his son in the distance. He didn’t give up on his prayer to God to return his son. My pastor recently said, “waiting is an act of faithfulness.” I’ve pondered on this for days. In a “me now world” it’s easy to fall into the trap that prayer should mean instant resolution. That’s where faith comes in.

You see God doesn’t promise us that he will immediately answer our prayer. However, God does promise us that He will HEAR our prayers when asked in faith and with a repented heart (John 15:7). He even promises that the Holy Spirit will intercede for us when we can’t even find the words (Romans 8:26). What a blessing!

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1 NLT

Waiting for God isn’t easy. That is why it’s an act of faithfulness. It’s often the waiting period that teaches us the most. And if we can just embrace the waiting as a blessing (Isaiah 30:18) we might just find a new song of praise to sing.

“When troubles of any kind (like waiting) come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” James 1:2-3

Keep praying and keep praising God during the waiting. And you will find joy! That is God’s promise.

Merry Christmas!

Love Heather & Lisa



P.S. There is so so much to unpack in Luke 15. This is just one tiny piece. I encourage you to read these scriptures and learn more about waiting, love, and forgiveness. It’s a true story that reveals exactly who God is.