Under Pressure?

Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to be going right? Well…yesterday was a day like that for me and I said to Heather – am I being tested?  But I was not sure what “being tested” actually meant…

Then this morning in my reading in 2 Chronicles 32 verse 31 it said clear as day,  “…God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and see what was really in his heart.”

Heather and I always say, if it is written we are to trust our God and His living Word, He gives it to us at the right time and for a reason.

So…if I was being tested, why?  We can’t figure out God’s ways, so I won’t even attempt it.  But digging further into the teaching part of my Bible, “A test can bring out a person’s true character.  A test often shows what we are really like and our shortcomings, along with the attitude of our heart.“

God did withdraw from Hezekiah it said but God did not abandon him.  He wanted to see if pride was running his life when He tested him.

Praise the Lord, we have the Holy Spirit within us 24/7 because of Jesus.  So from what I know and believe, God does not withdraw from us because of the New Covenant, we can go directly to Him anytime of any day.  Thank you Jesus!!

How did I act under pressure ?  How was my heart and attitude?  Well…I know I was short with someone at one point (I have apologized), I cried a lot, jumped into action, reached out to friends for prayer, and turned to God for help.  At one point the feeling of defeat was lingering but my arms were lifted up by many.

So why do we have days like yesterday?  A dear friend said to me,”to build our faith.”  It is beautiful to look back on this morning and see who prayed, who came to help, how a hug can ease our miseries, and prayers that were answered. 🤍 God showed me so much love and grace through this day.

It was not an easy day, BUT if we stay consistently in touch with God He will fight for us and develop us into what He wants. He is transforming us one day at a time to become more like His Son.

When times are good and successful, following God is easier than when times are full of pressure, fear, or pain. 

Heather and I encourage you to keep reading your Bibles daily. God will speak to you through His living Word. Be consistent and make it a priority. Also, have close faithful prayer warriors you can call on in times of uncertainties and then above all else – go to God and trust Him! 🙌🏻

What are you like when under pressure?

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather