Ultimate Leader…

Happy Wednesday my friends!

Today I finished up reading the book of 1 Kings.  King David leads at the beginning of this book and has a very united Israel under his command. The Nation is then divided (Judah & Israel) and the book ends with the death of Israel’s King Ahab, the most wicked King of all.

As the kings are described throughout this book, they either supported the Lord or did not. The most common phrases used to describe a King was “He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight” or “He did what was evil in the Lord’s sight”.

Most of the Kings usually followed the example of their father and mother, becoming either good or evil. (Wake up call for us parents!) #generationalsin #beanexample #kidsbecomeus

So what happened to this Nation?

The people forgot to acknowledge God as their “ultimate leader.”  The people followed human leaders who ignored God and then the people conformed to the lifestyle of these evil leaders.

Reading 1 Kings as a Christian gave me a slap in the heart this morning for our world today.  We need to continue to pray for the leaders of our Country. God is in complete control and we need to trust Him – even if our leaders are ignoring Him.

“Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” Romans 13:2

I’m gonna be honest…it is hard for me to want to pray at times for our countries leaders because they are doing evil in the Lord’s sight. They go directly against God’s Word and do whatever they want to gain power. 

But…as scripture says, God placed them as leaders so we are to Trust the “Ultimate Leader.”  We must lean on prayer. We can go directly to God with prayer for our leaders because of Jesus.  Thank you Jesus!!

When we don’t have God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in our lives along with prayer, we will follow man and conform to their ways. Stand firm my friends. Follow the Lord and His ways not man’s way!!

When we live for God and do His will, TRUST is a MUST!!  On days when things don’t make any sense, go to Him in prayer and trust.  We believe as Christians that God is in control of everything. Period!


Stay strong for God!

Stay bold for God!

Stay Rooted for God!

Trust the Lord, read your Bible, pray without ceasing, love unconditionally, and lift Him up!

Always stay Rooted,

Lisa &  Heather