
Let’s say…you are at work and you find out that you were left out of a meeting. It was a meeting with decisions made and you really thought you could add value and wanted to be part of the process. How do you feel? How do you react? What do you do?

For many of us women in the worldly work world to get ahead we are told we have to control our emotions. There is no crying at work, especially in leadership! (I feel this is impossible, sometimes I do tear up and it is okay!) But…how do we work through the tearful emotions that cause feelings of being left out, hurt feelings, or disappointed galore?

First of all…please remember – we are all humans with emotions who were created by God in His image, we are not robots. Jesus has emotions also! We want to grow and be accepted at work, but at what emotional cost?

We should respect our authority 100% which can only be done truly when we respect God. So when emotions flood, respectfully leave the room before your emotions take over and you say something that could be disrespectful. Then try some of these things to calm the emotions.

One way is to go through the different types of emotions you feel and start naming them, write them down if needed. This will help ground us and bring us some clarity in the moment that we are super foggy.

Breathing will also calm you down, we forget to do this sometimes. Inhale 4 seconds in through your nose – hold it for 2 seconds – exhale through your mouth for 3 seconds. This will bring a sense of calm all over and allow us to clear our minds and then…turn to God.

We have to be aware that our work, our positions, or how much we are valued can not become an idol! An idol is anything more important than our God. He is what we work for each day, not for the approval and acceptance of man. We must turn to God.

God is our source for everything! Ask for a pure heart. Ask for guidance. Ask for wisdom. Ask Him to search your heart and give you an “attitude of gratitude.” Ask Him how to respond. Turn to Him.

Don’t miss this you all…when we spend time with Him and ask Him to help, and have a daily personal relationship with the Lord, He will fill you and respond! It could be through scripture, through writing it out in prayer, through a co-worker…He can communicate anyway He wants – He is God! When we turn – He responds!!

The story above was recently part of my journey in the worldly work world. It is real out there and we need Jesus! (Can I get an Amen!!) Working hard and striving for excellence are “part” of my work life, but God “IS” my life!

Don’t let the worries of work or trying to grab approval of man rob you of your freedom in Christ. Put Him above your work! Turn to God.

We love you all!

Always Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather
