
“Frail as breath” – frail means weak and delicate, easily damaged or broken. God is saying to us, why do you put your trust and your faith in humans? They are weak, they are delicate, they are broken.

Jesus knows we will struggle to TRUST him! It’s ok! He knows! Go to Him with everything!

We don’t need to put our trust in anyone; including ourselves!

Come to Him and believe He has good plans for your life and your future. With every crooked road we travel and every mountain we climb – He’s is there. We don’t have to fret about tomorrow. When we TRUST in Jesus, He pours out peace!

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled, TRUST in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1

……And our favorite……

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

#trust #frailasbreath #stayrooted