To Get Ahead – Put Others First

To get ahead as a leader, we need to put others first. This is a huge quality of servanthood leadership!

As Christian leaders, we should value every person on the team and give to all. In 1Samuel 30:17-20 David did not think a warrior was more important in the fight vs a man staying back to watch the supplies. He had the attitude that God was the source of their victories and they all play a role in the process. They all got rewarded on David’s team!! #nofavorites

Relating this to the company I work for, I could see a comparison of David and our owner! Bill JR cares and puts others first and gives to all. His vision is people over profit! He has a heart that cares for his people.

When the company does well financially, we all get rewarded with bonuses no matter what your position or title. This is servanthood leadership at its best.

God is the one who provides, we must take care of our people and trust Him!! As we say at Morrisette, “God has his hand on our company.”

Let us all learn from David and Bill JR’s attitudes to put God first and then others before our own needs and always give generously to all. This is servant leadership!

To get ahead in leadership – put others first!

Stay Rooted!
