This past week our family enjoyed an amazing vacation at our favorite North Carolina beach. On Thursday as I was out for my morning walk, I was thinking about how thankful I was for this time together after the journey we’ve been on. As I was walking the song Gratitude popped up on my playlist. I don’t remember when I added it but as I listened the lyrics stopped me in my tracks. I repeated the song and kept soaking it in.

“Every song must end, but you never do.

So I throw up my hands

And praise you again and again

Oh come my soul

Don’t you get shy on me

Lift up your song

Cause you’ve got a Lion inside those lungs, Get up and praise the Lord.”

As I let these words sink in I began to think about scriptures on thankfulness and gratitude. We know throughout God’s word He tells us that our circumstances should not dictate our joy and thankfulness. And there was a tugging in my heart to really think about what gratitude truly means as we walk in faith.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

All circumstances could be times of sorrow and times of joy, times of laughter and times of tears. But gratitude doesn’t mean we have to put on a facade and pretend everything is ok when we are going through a bad situation. It doesn’t mean we need to say thank you for this pain. I believe gratitude is knowing DESPITE the circumstance that God’s presence is with us and He loves us. He’s always listening. He’s always answering. This is truly how we give thanks in ALL circumstances. #crazyfaith

Every song must end but knowing God never ends; that’s gratitude.

Getting up and praising the Lord despite our day to day trials on this earth; that’s gratitude.

Lifting your voice to Heaven whether in song or prayer, when it’s the last thing your brain is telling you to do; that’s gratitude.

When we live with a grateful heart it draws us in closer union to God. We know we don’t deserve God’s mercies but yet we receive them over and over again. Gratitude! We know Jesus Christ died for us and took our sin upon Himself. Gratitude!

I believe one of the most powerful prayers we can pray is, “Thank you Lord!  Thank you for loving me as I watch beautiful sunsets, laugh with my family, and enjoy a moment of peace. And thank you for never leaving me and always keeping your promise when I’m hurt and my heart is full of sorrow.” #gratitude

Working women rooted in faith, we pray that you go into your day with a grateful heart. Regardless of what is happening around you today, know that you are never alone.

Love from Rooted,

Heather & Lisa