A few weeks ago as I prepared to give the year in review with my department, I reflected beyond just the traditional business accomplishments and I started writing down the things we had learned.  2021 was quite a journey. For sure, we learned a lot about working together as a team when the days and weeks were extremely challenging. 2021 taught us to be agile and adaptive because even our best thought out plans and roadmaps often changed. We can pivot fast! But the biggest lesson from 2021 for me at least came from the fact that we lost some team members along the way.

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered – how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5

Always remember in our numbered days that people matter. Those that work around you are your biggest gift. Over the years Lisa and I have written a lot about what it means to be a working woman rooted in faith. We have written about loving one another, holding our tongues, servant leadership, patience, and attitudes. Everything we have shared is based on biblical principles that continue to direct our path towards winning the hearts of the people. Because when you win hearts you unlock the opportunity to truly make an impact in the lives of others in the time that’s just a breath.

So as you work on your 2022 plans, don’t forget to include a “people” plan. Your goals don’t always have to be solely focused on dollars and metrics. Make a commitment to smile a little longer, listen more intently, hold your tongue a little longer, help someone with a task even if it’s not your job, introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met and say thank you more.

Two of John Maxwell’s mantras that Lisa and I love: “See everyone as a 10” and “Walk Slowly through the Halls.” Why? Simply because people matter. It’s all about people and knowing who we truly work for. Jesus loved the people. So should we.  We have to be diligent with our time and put people plans into action. Otherwise time passes so quickly. We can’t wait to hear your ideas! It’s time to plan. ❤️

Love from,

Heather & Lisa

#2022goals #priorities #spendyourtimewisely #peoplematter #WWRF