The Proverbs 31 Woman
Three years ago I was asked to speak at UNC Charlotte about my career as a female engineer. The idea of speaking was a little daunting but I was also very excited. Through my talk I spoke about the highs and lows of being a female in a primarily male dominated field while also raising three children. I spoke about integrity, staying committed, the importance of a support network, and the power of saying no at times.
But the main point I wanted everyone in that room to know and understand was my recent “ah-ha” moment I had in my life. After spending an afternoon at a retreat writing my own eulogy I had come to the tearful realization that during all the years I had spent working, building my career, and raising my children I had done so with misguided priorities. It was my job first, then my children, religion only on Sundays, and my husband got whatever was leftover. Which honestly wasn’t very much! I lived in a continuous stressed out state full of anxiety. It was the first time I had admitted publicly that our Christian faith needed to come first before anything else. In the months leading up to this event I had realized that God was first, then my husband, children and career. Thank you Jesus! All this time I had everything backwards!
After my talk a young woman approached me. I wish I could remember her name. I was not prepared for her to ask me what scripture had motivated me to speak about my faith. I was new to Bible reading and certainly wasn’t prepared to quote scripture. The first thing that came to my mind was Proverbs 31. I had recently read through this Proverb with a dear friend and it had been such confirmation for me that God needed to be first in my life; regardless of career or family demands. We are all called to be disciples…..right where you are!
So who is a Proverbs 31 woman? She is one with noble character and who’s strength comes only from God. She is an inspiration to be all you can be in this life with God at the center.
“She is more precious than rubies.” Don’t look at yourself as unworthy!
“She brings him (her husband) good, not harm.” She does not nag. She supports and loves her husband as the leader of the family!
“She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.” She goes through her days without complaint!
“She extends a helping hand to the poor.” She puts others before self and recognizes those around her that need support.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” She has found rest and peace in the presence of the Lord. She knows not what the future holds but knows she is sheltered by her Father.
“When she speaks her words are wise, and she gives instruction with kindness.” She supports other women, guides them and encourages them. She’s not jealous or envious and wants everyone to find the same joy and peace that she has found through Jesus Christ.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” She does not live to please man but keeps her eye on her eternal Heavenly home.
The Bible reminds us that these qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman and living according to God’s ideals leads to enjoyment, success, honor, and worth. We can have earthly success but without God first in our lives we will not have joy or peace on this earth. This was me! I had a beautiful family and successful career but I was totally unfilled on the inside because I did not have God first in my life.
I look back on all of those years and I know there are definitely things I would do differently. But I’m eternally grateful that God has forgiven me and showed me a different way. Live without regret of the past and put your efforts in today. You are chosen, you are protected, you are forgiven, and you are blessed through the blood of Jesus Christ! Don’t look back with sadness but look forward with the amazing realization that you are the daughter of Jesus Christ and you are more precious than a ruby in His eyes!