The Power of Words

A good friend suggested I read “The Power of Your Words.”  I am so thankful she cared enough to suggest this book to me! 🙌🏻

This book is written by Pastor Robert Morris and he communicates how God can bless your life through the words you speak.

“The quality of the life you are living depends on what you have been saying.” Robert Morris

Phew, get ready to get your toes stepped on a bit, but oh it is so worth it!! He connects everything to scripture, so it is God’s way not Robert’s.

Remember leaders, we need to be intentional with our learning and also be uncomfortable…this means we are growing. (Happy dance!) Learn to become comfortable being uncomfortable as we continue to grow and change as leaders.

Leadership is all about the people.  We are in the people connection business. Our words connect us to people or disconnect us. The art of communication is explained deeply and beautifully in this book. Communication is how we build our relationships with people and our God! Words keep us connected or not!

I am so excited to share some things I have learned from this book and how small changes with our communication can impact big rewards on your teams. Our words do matter!!

Happy Monday! 🤍 Amazon has this book, go get it – it will be impactful on your Christian walk as a leader!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather ❤️

#leadership #alwayskeeplearning #WWRF #wordsmatter #wordshavepower