If you can be honest, how many times have you quietly patted yourself on the back for letting someone know you forgave them? I had to recently give myself a reality check as well. Humility is hard sometimes. We must be careful to not let pride surpass the beauty of forgiveness.

I’ve been wrestling with God this year as He continued to prompt me to go to someone and ask for their forgiveness. I just didn’t have the words. I kept asking why doesn’t this other person say something; I’m hurting too!? So I continued putting it off. But the whisper kept returning day after day.

I’ve been reading a series on the gospel from Galatians and my biggest takeaway is that we spend too much time thinking about ourselves; not Christ and often not others. It’s been twisting my heart up and changing the lens I’ve been looking through.

The voice got louder in my head and then I had a dream about this person. I woke up crying. I knew I couldn’t go another day. We can only push out the voice for so long and then God wakes us up! At this moment I knew that the only words that mattered were “I’m sorry I hurt you. Will you forgive me?”

Going to someone and asking them to forgive you is part of our journey of dying to self. We must first confess to God and then make it right with the person we hurt. It doesn’t matter what series of events happened. What’s important is letting go of the bitter root.

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

James 4:10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

I don’t want to downplay the importance of forgiving others. This is also written in the Bible. But we must also be willing to go to others, to humble ourselves and say I’m sorry. God calls his children to live out His word. He calls us to be in communion with Him and to make amends before we can place any gift on the altar. (Matthew 5:23-24). Forgiveness goes both ways.

“The more you look at yourself, the more you get used to looking at yourself.” Jeanne Guyon.

If there is any bitterness between you and another person I encourage you to seek God. He will show you the path to forgiveness. This path requires us to put our own hurts to the side and to move forward with love above anything else. And when you hear those sweet words replied offering forgiveness you truly get a glimpse of Jesus and the sacrifice He made on the cross.

Stay Rooted & seek forgiveness! ❤️

Heather & Lisa