In just a few short days little children will be running around my neighborhood proudly adorning their new costumes and asking for candy. I remember those days when nothing was as exciting as putting on that silly costume and heading out for an evening of sugar and fun.

And yet even when it’s not the season of costumes, hayrides and candy we have to ask ourselves if we are wearing a costume? Obviously I don’t mean that of a favorite Marvel character, but the outside costume that may be what others see. When the outside doesn’t match what’s on the inside it’s essentially like wearing a costume. Others see one thing but inside who are we, really?

I love studying the Gospels and learning more about the ways of the Pharisee’s. Why? They were primarily concerned with their outer appearance. And because I wore a costume for many, many years that didn’t match the inner condition of my heart. And every time I read about the Pharisee’s I’m so thankful God opened my spiritual eyes. But at the same time I find myself watchful – I don’t want to fall back into the comfortable religious costume I wore all those years. Now I want to always have a life on the water right with Jesus. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Despite what is portrayed by outer costumes, God knows what is truly in our hearts. Others may have been fooled by my costumes of perfection, but God was not. “Oh Lord, you searched me and you know me.” (Psalm 139:1) He sees EVERYTHING!  He knows my thoughts, my fears, my struggles, my triumphs, my loves – no costume can hide them.

David was chosen over all of Jesse’s sons because he had a faithful heart. He may have looked like a lowly shepherd on the outside but God saw everything on the inside. God examined his heart and liked what He saw. To everyone else his costume didn’t seem deserving of a king. Unlike the Pharisee’s who tried to look better than they were, David’s outer costume was looked down upon because of position and lack of title. But God had other plans because He saw who David really was.

Lord we come before you today completely blessed and eternally thankful that we don’t need to wear a costume. You see what’s in our hearts. Guide us and mold us so that what You see on the outside AND the inside is your child full of deep faith, nothing but dependence on You, integrity, and a person who values their personal relationship with You above all things. You know us and You love us. Thank you, Father.

Love from Rooted

Heather & Lisa