I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my three great grandmothers. Yes, great grandmothers! What a blessing to have memories of these women in my life. Each in their own way made such an impression on my life even in the few short years I knew them. My Granny Hodgin was a strong woman, a devoted Christian and she made me the best grilled cheese sandwich on her wood cook stove. My Ma Moody as we called her also loved the Lord, loved her family fiercely and although I was only about five years old she served me coffee in a tea cup with a saucer and treated me like an adult. Even after all these years I can see them clearly in my mind and oh how I wish I could sit with them now and talk with them.

And yet despite these memories the greatest gift they ever gave me was the fact that I know they prayed for me and for the generations after them. My Mom said she can remember Granny praying for “the blood of the lamb to cover her family and to bless future generations.” When I think about how short our time on earth truly is, what a powerful way to live! They lived trusting in the Lord with their whole heart and prayed earnestly for the generations to come even after they were gone from this earth. How grateful!

In Numbers 6:24, the Lord tells Moses to bless the people of Israel with a special blessing:

“May the Lord bless you, and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.”

The NLT says that a “blessing” is a way of asking for God’s divine favor to rest upon others. It’s a prayer for protection, for God to be pleased, and to give peace. So many years ago my great grandmothers were praying for these blessings over my life and those of my children. And while my life wasn’t always in line with God’s commandments, I believe that these prayers helped shape my journey back to Jesus Christ. #priorprayer

I was reminded this week of the power in praying scripture. Pray Numbers 6:24 over your family and generations to come! Although you may never get to meet many of the future generation, the best gift you could ever give them is the gift of praying for them and asking God for their blessing. ❤️🙌🏻🙏🏼

Love you all!


#theblessing #futuregenerations #stayrooted