As Jesus was walking along He met a blind man who had been blind since birth. Jesus stops, makes mud from His spit and rubs it on the man’s eyes. Then Jesus tells the man to “go wash in the pool of Siloam.” So the man did as instructed and washed in the pool. And after doing so he “came back seeing.” (John Chapter 9)

But the Pharisee’s just could not accept the power or the authority from which this miracle came from. So they set out questioning and questioning the man who had been healed. And yet the blind man continued to repeat his story. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see.” John 9:25

Several years ago I believe the Lord pressed upon my heart to collect stories from women and share them. After sitting in a room looking at 100 beautiful women eager to get closer to God; I realized that every single woman in that room had a story to tell even if they never stood in front of the room to give their testimony.

I haven’t written that book yet 🥹 but the power of hearing stories and testimonies continues to touch my heart. Over the years each story I’ve heard has helped shape my own personal relationship with God. They’ve made me cry. They’ve made me laugh. They’ve helped me give more thanks and praise. And they’ve convicted me to get down on my knees and pray. 

Just like this blind man; you too have a story to tell about what God has done for you. The blind man wasn’t a Bible scholar or anyone of great importance. He didn’t know WHY Jesus stopped and healed him that day. He didn’t even know HOW Jesus had healed him. And he certainly didn’t know why the Pharisees were so upset. He simply just told his story over and over. And I have no doubt his story impacted the lives of others.

Are you ready and willing to share your story with others? So many people are blindly wandering through this world and they need the light from your story to help them see. In all honesty, most people who are blind probably aren’t seeking a church for help. But we enter our workplace five if not six days per week. I truly believe if we pray for an opportunity to share our stories; God will put someone in our path for us to share them with.

“Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversations be gracious and attractive.” (Colossians 4:6 NLT) The Message version warns about “not cutting others down.”  We don’t need to do the judging. We just need to tell our story. Others need to hear what God has done for you. And then He will do the rest.

Keep praying and always be ready. Your stories can help share the light of this world: Jesus.  That’s really what it is all about. Sharing stories. Shining light. And helping others see the path to eternal life.

We love you & sure hope we hear your story one day!

Heather & Lisa

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