Take the First Step

It was time for the Isrealites to finally cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land. The Lord told Joshua, “When you reach the banks of the Jordan River, take a few steps into the River and stop there.”

As the priests entered the river with the Ark of the Covenant the “water began backing up a great distance until the riverbed was dry.”

When the Israelites came to the river they had no idea how they would cross. I’m sure it seemed impossible – they had a big problem on their hands. But God provided instruction.

What problems do you face today? Have you sought God in prayer and daily worship for an answer? God will often not provide a solution until we’ve trusted Him enough to do what we know we should do: pray, read His word, and seek His presence.

Just step into the water. Seek God! The river won’t divide until you take the first step.

Love, Heather & Lisa

#takethefirststep #berooted #WWRF