Take Action Today

As you enter the parking lot at work today, take a minute in your car to ask God for help with your mind and heart.

Work has been overwhelming for so many of us right now – Covid, shortages of all types, the jab, politics – to name just a few distractions. Join me in pushing these distractions out of our minds!

As you walk through the parking lot, ask God to change your mindset and embrace your heart for a day of action reflecting the Lord.

Then…everyone you see, smile at them (even if wearing a mask, a smile can be seen in your eyes!), say good morning and recognize them as a child that our God created! When you enter meetings, go in with a renewed and pure mind and heart for our God. Hold your tongue and pray before giving your opinion on something. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength and the right words to say.

Walk through your place of work knowing that each person has value and you will add value to everyone you come in contact with today.

Your character will develop when we strive to take action for the Kingdom! We must be rooted so deeply in our Lord and His ways that it reflects off of us. (Not sure if His ways – Read your Bibles!)

When we love the Lord and are in relationship with Him – show it to ALL created by Him with your actions!!

This may be a new mindset for some of you to go to work today “for God” – but strive for it! Then watch the amount of peace and joy that will enter your life.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa and Heather ❤️