Sweater Weather

Don’t you just love these cool mornings? It’s a sign that fall is right around the corner and sweaters are starting to come out of the closet. As well as all things pumpkin spice. ❤️

Our mornings are typically set in a routine that most likely includes a snooze button, coffee, and getting dressed (hopefully 🤷‍♀️). In the same way we dress and prepare for our day Paul writes in Colossians 3:12-14 the virtues we need to clothe ourselves in each and every day.

“Since God chose you to be holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

The world needs Christians leaders in the workplace clothed with these characteristics each day! Could you imagine working for someone with these virtues? The world needs more daughters, wives, mothers, and employees who understand that Paul is teaching us how to live in peace.

How is this possible? How can we possibly live out these virtues each day? We put our sweaters on.

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all in perfect harmony.”

The most important piece of our daily wardrobe is love. Love holds all other virtues in place. It’s the secret ingredient. Just like a sweater; love wraps us and holds our tender hearts, our mercy, our kindness, our humility, our gentleness, and our patience right up close to our hearts. It’s LOVE that binds all these virtues together. This sweater of love is knitted together through our faith and it grows in our journey of total surrender to God. As we surrender, our hearts become love. Living with a heart of true love comes only from God.

A dear friend once told us she thinks of these virtues as she’s getting dressed for work each day. She speaks to God in her sweet voice as she puts on a sock, “Father clothe me with mercy today.” Next sock, “Father clothe me with kindness today.” She goes through her prayer asking for each of these virtues. And then she puts on her sweater – and oh how she does love!

Happy Friday!

Heather & Lisa