STOP & pray!

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray in Luke 11.

Jesus said, “This is how you should pray,”

“Father, May your name be kept Holy.

May your Kingdom come soon.

Give us each day the food we need,

And forgive us our sins,

As we forgive those who sin against us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation.”

Luke 11:2-4

If you did not pray today, stop and pray Jesus prayer above. Every day before you walk into your work place pray this prayer.  Sitting at your desk during the day pray this prayer. The content in this prayer is very rich and it is what is written. #jesuswords

Praying is how we connect with God. His provision is daily, not all at once. We can’t store up prayer and then take a break, it needs to be done daily. Praying for a list of wants is what most of us do BUT having a conversation with God and praising Him above all else is what Jesus asked us to do!! #itisnotaboutus

If you are running low on strength and  endurance ask yourself how long has it been since you prayed? God’s source of power is amazing, but if we are not reaching out to it daily through prayer then we usually turn to our own power….Yikes, that’s scary! #pray

Next Monday we will talk about the persistence of prayer and God’s faithfulness.