Speak Life…

Robert Morris says the following: “Our words have power because we were created in the image of a God who spoke with creative power! It is so important for us to control our tongues. LIFE or DEATH is in the power of our tongues!! Are we speaking life over our marriages, our children, our friends, and our coworkers? Stop speaking death. Start speaking life!”

It is our choice to speak life!  Take notice today how you speak to people or about them – what does it bring? Life or death? Choose to speak life! 🙌🏻🙌🏻.

We encourage you to read Pastor Robert’s book, “The Power Of Your Words.”  It will inspire you through scripture teachings and help you commit to change today! 

Let us all start honoring God with our words and start speaking LIFE into our relationships!!. 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather 💛

#speaklife #wordsmatter #HonorGod