SIN…don’t stay close to it!

Moses warned the Israelites against the danger idols would cause within the nations they conquered.

Moses communicated…”We are not to worship their idols or covet the gold or silver that covers them. God told us to burn all the idols and DO NOT bring any such detestable objects into our homes. If we are around these idols (sin) it will become a trap for us!”

(Summary of Deuteronomy 7:25-26)

As history in the Bible unfolds, unfortunately the sin of idols stayed very dominant in many Israelites’ lives. They disobeyed God’s Word of warning from Moses. They fell to the destruction of worshiping other gods besides our ONE and only God!

Many of us today think it’s all right to be close to sin as long as we don’t participate! We may say, “if I don’t do anything wrong, I am good, it is their life not mine that is sinning.”

But being close to sin, hanging around friends that sin, will hurt us eventually…we could become attracted to it and finally give in to sin like the Israelites did!

As Moses warned the Israelites in Deuteronomy – we are also being warned by the Word of God this morning!

Avoid the snare of sin by first reigning in your desires. Then…stay as far away from sin as you can.

Sin is detestable to our God.

Choose God and His ways over accepting sin to be close to you on a daily basis!

Will you be popular if you run from sin… probably not with the world…but you will bring GLORY to our God! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Honoring our God is truly all that should matter in our daily lives!

Stay Rooted,

L & H