Shut Our Mouths

The below quote picture starts off Chapter 3 from “The Power of Your Words” – the name of chapter 3 is “Can I Speak Freely?” 

Robert Morris tells us that ALL words spoken come at a cost and when we say “can I speak freely” many have no sense of what it is about to cost them!  In my opinion, many of us walk around with “no cost” stamped on our foreheads, we speak whatever we want, when we want, to whoever we want. Sometimes these words spoken can be reckless and cruel and cost us so so very much.

As Christians, we have dual citizenship in both the country we live in and the Kingdom of Heaven. 🙌🏻 So we do not have free speech to speak anything that comes to our mind even in America! 🫢 When we are tempted to speak something cruel or ugly or just get in the last word to be right…Robert says just don’t say it. Keep your mouth shut! (This was an ah ha moment for me, I am one who likes to get the last word!) #alwayslearning

We do not just think before we speak to be nice, words matter and they do carry spiritual weight in the Kingdom of Heaven. We will ultimately be accountable to Jesus for how we use every single one of our words on earth – so really pick your words to honor our God. (Matthew 12:36-37 – Go read it!)!

This below scripture is practical in my task oriented mind and also confirms we CAN NOT shut our mouths without the Holy Spirit’s help! #ThankYouJesus

“Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”Psalms 141:3

Memorize this scripture with me and keep it in the forefront of your mind during prayer time. Our words we speak today DO matter, choose them wisely and honor our God. 🙌🏻

Let’s all try to keep our mouths shut!!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather ❤️

#shutourmouths #wordsmatter #CitizensofHeaven #honorourGod