Set Free

If you feel temptation pulling you to return to your old sinful patterns-RESIST!

The Israelites were set free by God in Egypt from slavery. He rescued them and gave them freedom and their dignity back, imagine the joy in their hearts.

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so you would no longer be their slaves. I broke the yoke of slavery from your neck so you can walk with your heads held high.” Leviticus 26:13

We, too, are set free when we accept Christ’s payment that redeems us from sin’s slavery. We must honor the blood. We must honor our Savior. We are set free because of Jesus!

When we accept Jesus, we do not need to walk in shame from past sins, once we repent and He forgives – the sin is forgotten. We as Christians can walk in freedom and with dignity again! We are His! We are forgiven! We are set free!! 🙌🏻

The Israelites struggled once free and wanted to turn back to their slave mentality. As Christians surrendered to Christ, we need to beware of the temptation to return to our former sinful patterns. We must surrender daily to God and armor up! Stand firm and pray out loud Ephesians 6!

We ask you to go forward today in your place of work knowing you are free! Be bold for Christ and know that you are loved and part of a huge family; God’s family.

We are FREE! We are FREE! ❤️🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa and Heather ❤️

#setfree #bold #resisttemptation #Godsfamily #love #freedom #dignity