Rooted Leader

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2

Our inner circle matters!  Who we associate with and hang out with, both professionally and personally, will shape who we become as a person.

When we listen to counsel that encourages us to go against God’s way and then do it…Yikes! This does not please God. Who we take counsel from will shape us on our journey, so listen wisely.

As Christian workers in the worldly  world, we have to delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it daily – His Word will guide us on how to build our inner circle.

We need to do this DAILY you all!! If you are not reading God’s Word…how do you know what good looks like? To read & meditate on the Word is to examine it, to experience it, and to evaluate it!! We have to “intentionally invest” in ourselves with the tool God has given us – the BIBLE.  Meaning… WE have to READ IT! #simplefact #justdoit

“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.”

Psalms 1:3

Being a rooted Christian in the worldly world  requires us to drink from the Lords living water daily! This person is full of God’s energy and shines at work – always seems to prosper!!

Do you know this person at work?!

It is the person who delights in the Lord’s way and is obedient, they are loving, care about others, slow to get angry, see value in others, treat others fairly, follow God’s way no matter what and you LOVE being around this person!  Their energy is contagious!!

Start hanging around this person more and seek counsel from them!  We will all have work issues that come up and will need to seek advice – go to them! Our inner circle does matter, create it with God in mind.  Even better than hanging around this person who is likely a rooted leader – become a rooted leader like them!!

This rooted leader has stability, produces fruit, is productive, has a strength that is non stoppable and is very durable which results in success.

Recently I heard a stat that we will become the average of the 5 people we hang around most at work and in our personal lives. Let’s not be fooled by the fools who worship the world vs our God. Choose your inner circle carefully.

This is a big deal my friends! (Shouting this!!)!

When we hang around those who use foul language – we will use foul language. When we hang around those who lie and encourage us to lie, we will become liars.  We will become the average of what we hang out with! 

I don’t know about you, but I would like to be – stable, produce fruit, be productive, have strength & durability resulting in success within my leadership journey at work!!  I want to hang around these types of people! #rootedleader

Some of you may be saying, “I don’t pick my coworkers Lisa, I am told who to work with.”  That is a valid statement and we do understand that many times we don’t control who we work with directly each day! BUT…if you are rooted in the living water daily & drinking it – you can be the rooted example!!  #noexcuses

And please realize this…you do get to choose who you eat lunch with or if you will gossip at the water cooler! 😳

Create your inner circle at work based on God’s guidance. Always do your work with excellence and be a shining example for our God even if you work with several Debi downers. #postiveattitude

Here is my prayer for all of us reading this blog, “Lord please guide all of us through your Word to become a rooted leader within the workplace and help us develop our inner circle that reflects your ways!”

Our inner circle does matter!! Choose wisely.

We love you all & stay Rooted,

Lisa &  Heather 🤍