Rise Up – Be A Change Agent

As you work in the secular world beside your coworkers – Christian or non Christian – with moral values way different than yours, how do you not be influenced?

Character…I believe it is what guides and defines us as Christian leaders. It will greatly determine if a leader will rise up or fall down with their teams. All of us are defined by the mental and moral values that create us – this is character.

As working women rooted in faith, we build lives of character by stacking day upon day of obedience and faithfulness to the Lord. It takes time and intention to build character that the Lord asks of us and it also requires a deep deep desire and LOVE for our Jesus!

Our character will reflect our heart for God and our actions will line up with what’s in our hearts. Character development is a day by day process and will compound greatly over time – good or bad. We must never stop developing faithful godly character; stay in your Bibles and meet with God daily, this is the best development plan there is!!

As working women, if you have a gift within your field but your character does not reflect this gift, will people want to follow you? Well… some will follow out of fear or compromise, but many will not! Any type of leadership within the workplace is really nothing more than influence. Think about this…if your mental and moral values that define you do not reflect God, are you influencing for the Kingdom or just influencing in your own flesh and power?

Please be encouraged and know, you can be a change agent for God in the secular work world. It all starts with our character and our love for Jesus!

Paul says, “This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.” Colossians 1:6

Heather and I ask you to pause and think about your character as Christian women…start becoming aware of your actions that flow from your heart. How are you acting toward others, do these actions honor God and his wonderful grace?”

Let’s rise up, be fruit bearing, and shine character at work that will bring Him glory.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather
