Several weeks ago I went to Romans 12 as I looked for a specific scripture. As it turns out Romans 12 wasn’t what I was searching for. But, whoa! It caught my attention at just the right moment. Don’t you just love it when God does that! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

This chapter covers our behaviors in this world, having an honest evaluation of yourself, the realization that all of our gifts come from God, really loving others, being patient in times of trouble, blessing those who persecute you, and living in peace. That’s a lot for 21 verses.

But how do we even come close to accomplishing these desires of God for us in the midst of our busy, stretched thin, working women lives? Well we can begin EACH and every day by surrendering ourselves (heart & body) to the Lord.

Romans 12:2 “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

When we take that time each morning to spend time with God, He will transform our minds and prepare us for the day ahead. I know mornings aren’t for everyone but personally speaking I can’t imagine going into my place of work each day without that morning time of surrender and heart renewing.

Without this time I surely know my tongue would be a little sharper, my patience would be lacking, and I’d spend much more time thinking about ME versus others. We must go deeper, we must take this time. I struggle to truly find the words to describe the longing I have for that alarm to go off. I want nothing more than for you to share this longing as well.

What can you do over the next five days to just try it? Even if it’s only 15 to 30 minutes. When approaching a new idea or process at work I always tell my team “it never hurts to at least try it right?! What do you have to lose?” In this case maybe time but it will be worth it. I promise.

The renewing of our hearts and minds won’t happen instantly. It requires daily yielding, daily prayer, and daily learning. By studying God’s word we can commit ourselves to what Christ teaches. Living the Christian life is a process. Trust God to change you and He will little by little. #workinprogress

Yield your plans for the day to Him and tell Him all of your anxieties. Tell Him about the meetings you’ll attend, the hard conversations you’ll need to have, the reports you may need to finish. Pray and hand it all to Him ladies. ❤️❤️

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:23

“Put on your new nature, and be RENEWED as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.” Colossians 3:10

We will never have a chance of becoming more like our Creator if we don’t spend time with Him through the words He gave us. Draw closer, spend the time, be renewed.

Good morning Rooted ladies! ☀️

Rise, Renew & Repeat.

Love, Heather & Lisa