Refresh Like Snow in Summer

Do you consider yourself trustworthy? What would your employer say if asked this same question? Are you honest? Do you show up to work on time? Do you get your job done in a timely manner? Do you maintain peace?

“Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.” Proverbs 25:13.

Proverbs 25 through 31 is titled Wisdom for Leaders. And it’s packed full of great scriptures that are ideal for a working woman rooted in faith.

Dig in, ask questions, and start to understand what you can do to support your employer’s success – it will “revive their spirit.”

We know this to be true because it is written! Thank you Lord for this amazing Word you’ve given us! Thank you for giving us the best resource on living and working with a Kingdom focused mindset. 💛 #wwrf #itsallinthebible

Love Rooted,

Heather & Lisa